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jback08 committed Oct 3, 2024
2 parents 8f9264f + 3b93cfe commit 89c4003
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Showing 20 changed files with 992 additions and 202 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ export ROOTFLAGS = $(shell root-config --cflags)
export INCLUDE = -I$(HDF5_INC)
#INCLUDE += -I$(NUSYST) -I$(NUSYST)/build/systematicstools/src/systematicstools
#INCLUDE += -I$(NUSYST)/build/Linux/include/
Expand All @@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ INCLUDE += -I$(CETLIB_EXCEPT_INC)
INCLUDE += -I$src

export LDLIBS += -L$(LOG4CPP_LIB) -llog4cpp
LDLIBS += -L$(TBB_LIB) -ltbb
LDLIBS += -L$(LIBXML2_FQ_DIR)/lib -lxml2
Expand All @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ LDLIBS += -lGeom -lEGPythia6 -lGenVector
LDLIBS += -L$(BOOST_LIB) -lboost_program_options
LDLIBS += -L$(CETLIB_LIB) -L$(CETLIB_EXCEPT_LIB) -lcetlib -lcetlib_except
LDLIBS += -L$(FHICLCPP_LIB) -lfhiclcpp -lfhiclcpp_types

LDLIBS += -L$(EDEPSIM_LIB) -ledepsim
export LIBDIR = $(PWD)/lib
export BINDIR = $(PWD)/bin

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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,10 @@ if [[ $# == 1 && x$1 == x-f ]]; then FORCE=yes; fi
# set up software

# edep-sim needs to know where a certain GEANT .cmake file is...
G4_cmake_file=`find ${GEANT4_FQ_DIR}/lib64 -name 'Geant4Config.cmake'`
export Geant4_DIR=`dirname $G4_cmake_file`

# Just use the edep-sim UPS product, don't clone master branch off repos!
# Get edep-sim and build it
#if [ $FORCE == yes ]; then rm -rf edep-sim; fi
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ cd ${TOPDIR}
# Add pyGeoEff to pythonpath

# make tarballs of edep-sim and nusystematics for grid jobs
#tar -zcf edep-sim.tar.gz edep-sim
#tar -zcf nusystematics.tar.gz nusystematics
tar -zcf DUNE_ND_GeoEff.tar.gz DUNE_ND_GeoEff
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
source /cvmfs/
setup cmake v3_22_2
setup gcc v12_1_0
setup gcc v9_3_0
setup pycurl
setup ifdhc
setup geant4 v4_10_6_p01g -q debug:e26
setup dk2nugenie v01_10_01q -q e26:prof
setup geant4 v4_11_0_p01c -q e20:debug
setup dk2nugenie v01_10_01k -q debug:e20
setup genie_xsec v3_04_00 -q AR2320i00000:e1000:k250
setup genie_phyopt v3_04_00 -q dkcharmtau
setup jobsub_client
setup eigen v3_3_5
setup duneanaobj v03_05_00 -q debug:e26
setup duneanaobj v03_06_01b -q e20:prof
setup hdf5 v1_10_5a -q e20
setup fhiclcpp v4_18_04 -q debug:e26
setup root v6_28_12 -q e26:p3915:prof
setup genie v3_04_02 -q e26:prof
setup fhiclcpp v4_15_03 -q debug:e20
setup edepsim v3_2_0c -q debug:e20
setup root v6_26_06b -q e20:p3913:prof

# edep-sim needs to know where a certain GEANT .cmake file is...
G4_cmake_file=`find ${GEANT4_FQ_DIR}/lib64 -name 'Geant4Config.cmake'`
Expand All @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${PWD}/DUNE_ND_GeoEff/lib/

# duneananobj needs to be in the libs too

# finally, add our lib & bin to the paths
mydir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )"
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion src/Params.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ namespace cafmaker
// these are mandatory and have no default values
fhicl::OptionalSequence<std::string> GHEPFiles { fhicl::Name{"GHEPFiles"}, fhicl::Comment("Input .ghep (GENIE) file(s) for truth matching") };
fhicl::Atom<std::string> outputFile { fhicl::Name{"OutputFile"}, fhicl::Comment("Filename for output CAF") };
fhicl::OptionalAtom<std::string> edepsimFile { fhicl::Name{"EdepsimFile"}, fhicl::Comment("Input .root (EDPSIM) file for truth matching") };
fhicl::Atom<std::string> outputFile { fhicl::Name{"OutputFile"}, fhicl::Comment("Filename for output CAF") };

// this one is mandatory but has a default. (the 'fhicl.fcl' file is provided in the 'sim_inputs' directory).
// fixme: this file is currently not used for anything, but will be once DIRT-II is done and re-enables the interaction systematics
Expand All @@ -45,6 +46,9 @@ namespace cafmaker
fhicl::OptionalAtom<std::string> minervaRecoFile { fhicl::Name{"MINERVARecoFile"}, fhicl::Comment("Input MINERVA reco .root file") };
fhicl::OptionalAtom<std::string> pandoraLArRecoNDFile { fhicl::Name{"PandoraLArRecoNDFile"}, fhicl::Comment("Input Pandora LArRecoND .root file") };

// fixme: temporary hack for data. should be removed when interface to IFDB is complete
fhicl::OptionalAtom<std::string> POTFile { fhicl::Name{"POTFile"}, fhicl::Comment("Input txt file with beam spill information") };

// this is optional by way of the default value. Will result in an extra output file if enabled
fhicl::Atom<bool> makeFlatCAF { fhicl::Name{"MakeFlatCAF"}, fhicl::Comment("Make 'flat' CAF in addition to structured CAF?"), true };

Expand All @@ -56,6 +60,17 @@ namespace cafmaker
// 100 us is default
fhicl::Atom<unsigned int> trigMatchDT { fhicl::Name("TriggerMatchDeltaT"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum time difference, in ns, between triggers to be considered a match"), 100000 };

// 0.1 s is default
fhicl::Atom<float> beamMatchDT { fhicl::Name("BeamMatchDeltaT"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum time difference, in s, between triggers and beam"), 0.1 };

// Track matching criteria (default values for 2x2 based on DOCDB 31970)
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchExtrapolatedZ { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchExtrapolatedZ"), fhicl::Comment("Z position where the track transversal displacement is computed when doing matching"), -70};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdX { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaX"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum displacement authorised in X [cm]"), 17};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdY { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaY"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum displacement authorised in Y [cm]"), 19};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdThetaX { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaThetaX"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum angle difference with respect to X axis [rad]"), .08};
fhicl::Atom<float> trackMatchdThetaY { fhicl::Name("TrackMatchDeltaThetaY"), fhicl::Comment("Maximum angle difference with respect to Y axis [rad]"), .09};

fhicl::Atom<std::string> verbosity { fhicl::Name("Verbosity"), fhicl::Comment("Verbosity level of output"), "WARNING" };
Expand Down
151 changes: 140 additions & 11 deletions src/makeCAF.C
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
#include <cstdio>
#include <numeric>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <map>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>

#include "boost/program_options/options_description.hpp"
#include "boost/program_options/parsers.hpp"
Expand All @@ -23,10 +29,12 @@
#include "Params.h"
#include "reco/MLNDLArRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/TMSRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/NDLArTMSMatchRecoFiller.h"
#include "reco/SANDRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/MINERvARecoBranchFiller.h"

#include "reco/NDLArTMSMatchRecoFiller.h"
#include "reco/NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller.h"
#include "reco/PandoraLArRecoNDBranchFiller.h"
#include "reco/SANDRecoBranchFiller.h"
#include "truth/FillTruth.h"
#include "util/GENIEQuiet.h"
#include "util/Logger.h"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -135,6 +143,7 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>> getRecoFillers(const c
std::cout << " SAND\n";

// Pandora LArRecoND
std::string pandoraFile;
if (par().cafmaker().pandoraLArRecoNDFile(pandoraFile))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,6 +175,11 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>> getRecoFillers(const c
std::cout << " ND-LAr + TMS matching\n";

if (!ndlarFile.empty() && !minervaFile.empty())
recoFillers.emplace_back(std::make_unique<cafmaker::NDLArMINERvAMatchRecoFiller>(par().cafmaker().trackMatchExtrapolatedZ(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdX(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdY(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdThetaX(), par().cafmaker().trackMatchdThetaY()));
std::cout << " ND-LAr + MINERvA matching\n";
// for now all the fillers get the same threshold.
// if we decide we need to do it differently later
// we can adjust the FCL params...
Expand All @@ -178,7 +192,8 @@ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>> getRecoFillers(const c
// -------------------------------------------------
bool doTriggersMatch(const cafmaker::Trigger& t1, const cafmaker::Trigger& t2, unsigned int dT)
return (t1.triggerTime_s == t2.triggerTime_s && abs(int(t1.triggerTime_ns - t2.triggerTime_ns)) < dT);
const unsigned long int s_to_ns = 1e9;
return ( (std::max(t1.triggerTime_s, t2.triggerTime_s) - std::min(t1.triggerTime_s, t2.triggerTime_s)) * s_to_ns + std::max(t1.triggerTime_ns, t2.triggerTime_ns) - std::min(t1.triggerTime_ns, t2.triggerTime_ns) ) < dT;

struct triggerTimeCmp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,23 +347,125 @@ buildTriggerList(std::map<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, std::deque<cafmake
return ret;

// -------------------------------------------------
//Temporary hack to fill beam POT info for data

//Get the spills from an input text file
using BeamSpills = std::map<double, double>;

bool loadBeamSpills(const std::string& filename, BeamSpills& beam_spills) {
std::ifstream file(filename);
if (!file.is_open()) {
std::cerr << "Could not open the file " << filename << "\n";
return false;

std::string line;
while (std::getline(file, line)) {
std::istringstream iss(line);
double time;
double pot;
if (iss >> time >> pot)
beam_spills[time] = pot;
return true;

double GetTriggerTime(const cafmaker::Trigger& trigger) {
return trigger.triggerTime_s + 1e-9 * trigger.triggerTime_ns;

//Return pot from text file if all of the trigger times match the beam times within a certain dt, else fill given pot
double getPOT(const cafmaker::Params& par, std::vector<std::pair<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, cafmaker::Trigger>>& groupedTrigger, int ii) {
std::string potFile;
BeamSpills beam_spills;

double pot = 0.0;

if (par().cafmaker().POTFile(potFile) && loadBeamSpills(potFile, beam_spills)) { //If there is a POT file in config that is readable, check if all trigger times match any of the beam times
auto it = std::find_if(beam_spills.begin(), beam_spills.end(),
[par, &groupedTrigger](const auto& spill) {
return std::all_of(groupedTrigger.cbegin(), groupedTrigger.cend(),
[par, &spill](const auto& groupedTrigger) {
return std::abs(GetTriggerTime(groupedTrigger.second) - spill.first) < par().cafmaker().beamMatchDT(); //fixme: shouldn't be abs after 2x2 trigger times are fixed

if (it != beam_spills.end()) {
pot = it->second;
else { //Check if any of the triggers match the beam time if there is no beam time match in the previous search
bool any_matched = false;
std::vector<std::pair<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, cafmaker::Trigger>> matched_triggers;
std::vector<std::pair<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, cafmaker::Trigger>> unmatched_triggers;

for (auto trig : groupedTrigger) {
bool matched = std::any_of(beam_spills.cbegin(), beam_spills.cend(),
[par, &trig](const auto& spill) {
return std::abs(GetTriggerTime(trig.second) - spill.first) < par().cafmaker().beamMatchDT(); //fixme: shouldn't be abs after 2x2 trigger times are fixed

if (matched) {
any_matched = true;
else {

auto LOG = [&]() -> const cafmaker::Logger & { return cafmaker::LOG_S("Beam spill matching"); };
std::stringstream log_message;

if (any_matched) { //If only some of the trigger times in a grouped trigger match the beam spill, abort!
log_message << "Only some triggers match beam spill for trigger group " << ii << ":\n"
<< "Matched triggers: \n";
for (auto trig : matched_triggers)
log_message << std::fixed << trig.first->GetName() << " " << GetTriggerTime(trig.second) << "\n";

log_message << "Unmatched triggers: \n";
for (auto trig : unmatched_triggers)
log_message << std::fixed << trig.first->GetName() << " " << GetTriggerTime(trig.second) << "\n";

LOG().ERROR() << log_message.str() << "\n";
else { //If none of the trigger times match give a warning
log_message << "No matching spill found for trigger group " << ii << " with triggers: \n";
for (auto trig : groupedTrigger)
log_message << std::fixed << trig.first->GetName() << " " << GetTriggerTime(trig.second) << "\n";
LOG().WARNING() << log_message.str() << "\n";
else { //else get POT from config
pot = par().runInfo().POTPerSpill() * 1e13;

return pot;
// -------------------------------------------------
// main loop function
void loop(CAF &caf,
cafmaker::Params &par,
const std::vector<std::string> & ghepFilenames,
string edepsimFilename,
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>> &recoFillers)
// if this is a data file, there won't be any truth, of course,
// but the TruthMatching knows not to try to do anything with a null gtree
cafmaker::Logger::THRESHOLD thresh = cafmaker::Logger::parseStringThresh(par().cafmaker().verbosity());
cafmaker::TruthMatcher truthMatcher(ghepFilenames, caf.mcrec,
cafmaker::TruthMatcher truthMatcher(ghepFilenames, edepsimFilename , caf.mcrec,
[&caf](const genie::NtpMCEventRecord* mcrec){ return caf.StoreGENIEEvent(mcrec); });
// figure out which triggers we need to loop over between the various reco fillers
std::map<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, std::deque<cafmaker::Trigger>> triggersByRBF;
for (const std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>& filler : recoFillers)
if (filler->FillerType() != cafmaker::RecoFillerType::BaseReco) continue; //We don't want to store a trigger from a Matcher algorithm
triggersByRBF.insert({filler.get(), filler->GetTriggers()});
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<const cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller*, cafmaker::Trigger>>>
groupedTriggers = buildTriggerList(triggersByRBF, par().cafmaker().trigMatchDT());

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,12 +498,6 @@ void loop(CAF &caf,
// reset (the default constructor initializes its variables)

double pot = par().runInfo().POTPerSpill() * 1e13;
if (std::isnan(caf.pot))
caf.pot = 0;
caf.pot += pot; = pot; = true; // when we have data, we won't be able to use this "POT from config" approach anyway

// hand off to the correct reco filler(s).
for (const auto & fillerTrigPair : groupedTriggers[ii])
Expand All @@ -395,6 +506,22 @@ void loop(CAF &caf,
fillerTrigPair.first->FillRecoBranches(fillerTrigPair.second,, par, &truthMatcher);

// Once all the reco fillers have been called, let's call the matching fillers
for (const std::unique_ptr<cafmaker::IRecoBranchFiller>& filler : recoFillers)
if (filler->FillerType() == cafmaker::RecoFillerType::Matcher)
filler->FillRecoBranches(groupedTriggers[ii][0].second,, par, &truthMatcher);

//Fill POT
double pot = getPOT(par, groupedTriggers[ii], ii);
if (std::isnan(caf.pot))
caf.pot = 0;
caf.pot += pot; = pot; = par().cafmaker().POTFile.hasValue(); // fixme: when we have proper IFDB interface, should use the same mechanism as however we decide when to use that
Expand All @@ -418,11 +545,13 @@ int main( int argc, char const *argv[] )
cafmaker::QuietGENIE(); // the GENIE events were already made earlier, we don't need more warnings about them

std::vector<std::string> GHEPFiles;
std::string edepsimFile;
par().cafmaker().GHEPFiles(GHEPFiles); // fills the vector in if the key is found
par().cafmaker().edepsimFile(edepsimFile); // fills the vector in if the key is found

CAF caf(par().cafmaker().outputFile(), par().cafmaker().nusystsFcl(), par().cafmaker().makeFlatCAF(), !GHEPFiles.empty());

loop(caf, par, GHEPFiles, getRecoFillers(par, logThresh));
loop(caf, par, GHEPFiles, edepsimFile, getRecoFillers(par, logThresh));

caf.version = 5;
printf( "Run %d POT %g\n", caf.meta_run, caf.pot );
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