Releases: DUNE/larnd-sim
Releases · DUNE/larnd-sim
What's Changed
- Improved docs by @soleti in #92
- updated readme by @soleti in #93
- fix bug in trigger timestamp when not using light sim by @AlexWilkinsonnn in #94
- Upgrade/implement batching by @peter-madigan in #96
- Fix PR#95 by @peter-madigan in #99
- Docs/add output documentation by @peter-madigan in #100
- Update 2x2.yaml by @peter-madigan in #101
- Make more robust against huge tracks datasets by @peter-madigan in #102
- reverts back to former numba requirement by @krwood in #103
- Bug fix for Fix/improve stability for large tracks datasets by @peter-madigan in #104
- Load the light LUT in to device memory once, rather than transfer on each batch by @peter-madigan in #106
- Fix inconsistency between mc_packets_assn definition of track_ids and edep-sim segment_id by @peter-madigan in #105
- Prevent crash when reloading LIGHT_GAIN by @mjkramer in #108
- Fix random number seed in by @peter-madigan in #110
- Fix bug for overflow values by @peter-madigan in #112
- Handle case for 0 charge sum in backtracking by @peter-madigan in #113
- spill simulation by @krwood in #111
- Fix batch_size warning by @mjkramer in #115
- Add tot_evids definition to avoid error by @sam-fogarty in #116
- Feature fix seg time by @krwood in #119
- update the light configuration by @YifanC in #120
- Feature genie truth by @krwood in #122
- Couple minor updates to dumpTree by @cuddandr in #123
- allows random seed to be set through a command line option by @krwood in #124
- Test mini run3 by @krwood in #131
- Feature t0 vertex by @drinkingkazu in #130
- Feature t0 vertex by @YifanC in #133
- Fix indexing into event_times by @mjkramer in #134
- Dkz better fractions by @drinkingkazu in #139
- Fix incorrect poisson stats in light simulation by @peter-madigan in #135
- Feature t0 vertex by @YifanC in #140
- Fix the "fraction" definition by @drinkingkazu in #138
- removing trial light-noise files from main branch by @AWh1t3 in #143
- Feature lightupdate by @liviocali in #141
- Feature update names by @krwood in #146
- updates the noise fft file for the 2x2 light simulation by @krwood in #147
- Light noise scale by @AWh1t3 in #150
- Feature evt lookup by @krwood in #151
- Check if input file and output file exist at the start of simulation by @sam-fogarty in #144
- Replace n_tracks parameter with n_events by @sam-fogarty in #145
- Adding option to specify a gain file by @sam-fogarty in #121
- Fixing some naming/labeling inconsistencies by @sam-fogarty in #152
- Config automation by @YifanC in #166
- Feature/limited light backtracking with MAX_MC_TRUTH_IDS = 3 and MC_LIGHT_THRESHOLD=1 by @marjoleinvannuland in #175
- Feature auto config by @krwood in #178
- Feature auto config by @YifanC in #180
- add true event_id to backtracking information by @YifanC in #183
- merge light wvfm mc assn in the output by @YifanC in #184
- reload python modules when we change lartpc modules in the simulation by @krwood in #189
- add sync timestamp trigger packets in order for each module by @YifanC in #190
- Feature/ajw minirun5 fix by @AWh1t3 in #191
- Fixed Sync/Timestamp + Packets-->Segments Backtracking by @seg188 in #192
- Revert "Feature/ajw minirun5 fix" by @YifanC in #194
- minor correction so mpvmpr (particle generation) can run as the beam … by @YifanC in #200
- fix the light noise issue by @YifanC in #202
- Light backtracking reshape by @YifanC in #201
- removes double swap of truth coordinates before writing to file by @krwood in #203
- move the swap coordinate before the data writing by @YifanC in #204
- temp fix for light backtracking with the threshold triggering by @YifanC in #206
- fix a clear mismatch... by @YifanC in #209
- fix trigger forwarding issue for non modular variation setups by @YifanC in #207
Changes by @alexbooth92 in #211- Update pixel pitch for Module 2 by @jaafar-chakrani in #218
- Light backtracking segments fix by @marjoleinvannuland in #222
- Update paths to light LUTs to fix missing channels bug by @jaafar-chakrani in #224
- Feature general noise by @YifanC in #226
- Feature seg truth hotfix by @YifanC in #225
- Feature restore association count to store by @YifanC in #229
- Feature signal indexing by @YifanC in #230
- Feature t event and more by @YifanC in #233
- Feature seg hotfix removal by @YifanC in #236
- unfortunately all changes and bug fixes mangled into one by @YifanC in #237
- Feature mpvmpr dumptree only by @YifanC in #238
- NDLAr Specific Updates Before Second Pass (plus address issue #240) by @alexbooth92 in #239
- resync develop by @YifanC in #244
- Minor changes to backtracking by @YifanC in #246
- Feature light lut by @YifanC in #247
- Hotfix threshold change by @krwood in #241
- Revert "Hotfix threshold change" by @YifanC in #249
- Hotfix threshold change by @YifanC in #251
- NDLAr Specific Additions (Included in latest
) by @alexbooth92 in #252 - Feature config by @YifanC in #253
- Feature simple jagged by @mjkramer in #255
- Feature ndlar light by @YifanC in #254
- Fix minor skew in the y tpc_offset positions for NDLAr (Cherry-pick to
) by @alexbooth92 in #257
New Contributors
- @mjkramer made their first contribution in #108
- @sam-fogarty made their first contribution in #116
- @cuddandr made their first contribution in #123
- @drinkingkazu made their first contribution in #130
- @AWh1t3 made their first contribution in #143
- @liviocali made their first contribution in #141
- @marjoleinvannuland made their first contribution in #175
- @seg188 made their first contribution in #192
- @jaafar-chakrani made their first contribution in #218
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- Bump numpy from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0 in /docs by @dependabot in #83
- Commenting out light parameters in ND-LAr configuration by @soleti in #84
- Fixing ndlar yaml by @soleti in #85
- Removing extra modules by @soleti in #86
- Prevent out of range indexing by @AlexWilkinsonnn in #88
- Cleaning up some code by @soleti in #91
New Contributors
- @AlexWilkinsonnn made their first contribution in #88
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
What's Changed
- Saving event time when light simulation not available by @soleti in #76
- Upgrade/add multi module support by @peter-madigan in #78
- Add far field model for ndlar by @peter-madigan in #79
- Updating default light binary files by @soleti in #80
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3
What's Changed
- Use npz for lightLUT by @peter-madigan in #73
- Upgrade/add full light truth information by @peter-madigan in #74
- fixes some typos left over from implementing the output streaming by @krwood in #75
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
v0.3.0 - Detailed light simulation
This release contains a more detailed version of the light simulation.
What's Changed
- Removing unused consts by @soleti in #67
- Fixed README by @soleti in #68
- Lookup-table-based light simulation by @peter-madigan in #70
- Allow for arbitrary sipm response models by @peter-madigan in #71
Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.3.0
What's Changed
- Add finite bandwidth to buffer by @peter-madigan in #51
- Upgrade/optimize current calculations to use larger response models by @peter-madigan in #53
- Fix/fix timestamp packets by @peter-madigan in #54
- Add new far-field model by @peter-madigan in #55
- Fix a few bugs in by @peter-madigan in #56
- Actions fix by @soleti in #60
- Refactor YAML files by @soleti in #62
- Bump numpy from 1.20 to 1.21.0 in /docs by @dependabot in #61
- Saving true vertex info by @soleti in #59
- Setting random seed by @soleti in #63
- Fixed LUT by @soleti in #64
- Fixed YAML Module0 by @soleti in #65
- Save to file after each event by @soleti in #58
- First usage of units by @soleti in #66
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #61
Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3
v0.2.1 - Refactored constants
This new version includes a refactoring of the constants module, with the introduction of different namespaces (consts.physics
, consts.detector
and consts.light
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1