This module creates a scheduled Lambda function that runs Elasticsearch Curator.
It currently only works with Elasticsearch 6.x.
- Creates snapshots of indices matching filters provided to the module
- Deletes indices matching filters provided to the module
module "elasticsearch_curator" {
source = "tf-aws-elasticsearch-curator"
name = "${var.envname}-es-curator"
// Elasticsearch ARN is only required when signing requests using AWS Signature V4
es_arn = "${var.es_arn}"
es_host = "${var.es_host}"
es_port = "${var.es_port}"
// Optionally specify a schedule (defaults to 1am daily).
schedule_expression = "cron(0 3 * * ? *)"
// Optionally deploy the Lambda function into a VPC.
attach_vpc_config = true
security_group_ids = "${var.security_group_ids}"
subnet_ids = "${var.subnet_ids}"
// Optionally creates a snapshot of a list of indices.
snapshot_bucket = "${var.snapshot_bucket}"
snapshot_bucket_region = "eu-west-1"
snapshot_name = "kibana-%Y.%m.%d"
// Specify the filters for Curator to use when finding indices to snapshot.
// The documentation is not great for this but try looking at:
snapshot_index_filters = [
filtertype = "pattern"
kind = "prefix"
value = "logstash-"
filtertype = "age"
source = "name"
direction = "older"
timestring = "%Y.%m.%d"
unit = "days"
unit_count = 3
// Specify the filters for Curator to use when finding indices to delete.
// The documentation is not great for this but try looking at:
delete_index_filters = [
filtertype = "pattern"
kind = "prefix"
value = "logstash-"
filtertype = "age"
source = "name"
direction = "older"
timestring = "%Y.%m.%d"
unit = "days"
unit_count = 14