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LazyVim Odin

LazyVim setup for Odin based on LazyVim Starter. For more infos on how to install dependencies on Windows / Linux or documentation, please refer to LazyVim


In order for everything to work, you need to clone and compile:

  • DanielGavin/ols into ~/ols (or change the path in ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/odin.lua)
git clone ~/ols
cd ~/ols && ./

Installation (macOS)

brew install lua luarocks neovim kitty lazygit ripgrep fd ast-grep fish
brew search '/font-.*-nerd-font/' | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs brew install --cask
git clone ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim/.git


  • Using a light theme in neovim.
  • Using a larger symbol view and on the left in Trouble

Common Neovim / vim keybindings

  • Ctrl-/: Show / hide the terminal
  • Ctrl-w: Navigate between windows / split Windows
  • space-c:activate the code help
  • space-`: Switch between buffer. (or previous [b next ]b)
  • Ctrl-O: Go back to previous position
  • Ctrl-I: Go the next position
  • Ctrl+]: Go to the definition of a symbol

Common Neotree Keybindings

  • a: Add a file or directory
  • d: Delete a file or directory
  • r: Rename a file or directory
  • c: Copy a file or directory
  • m: Move a file or directory
  • y: Copy file name to system clipboard
  • Y: Copy relative path to system clipboard
  • gy: Copy absolute path to system clipboard
  • <Enter> or o: Open file or expand directory
  • <C-v>: Open file in vertical split
  • <C-x>: Open file in horizontal split
  • <C-t>: Open file in new tab
  • <C-f>: Filter tree items
  • H: Toggle hidden files
  • R: Refresh the tree
  • W: Collapse all directories
  • S: Search in directory

Note: <C-> represents the Ctrl key

Features of todo-comments.nvim:

Highlighting: It highlights TODO comments with different colors based on the keyword. Signs: It adds icons in the sign column (the margin you mentioned). Search: It provides commands to search for TODO comments. Navigation: It offers keybindings to jump between TODO comments.

Supported tags: By default, it supports these keywords:

  • TODO
  • HACK
  • WARN
  • PERF
  • NOTE
  • TEST
  • FIX (which includes FIXME, BUG, FIXIT, ISSUE)

You can customize these keywords, their colors, and icons in the configuration. To use the plugin's features:

  • :TodoQuickFix: Opens a quickfix list with all TODO comments
  • :TodoLocList: Opens a location list with all TODO comments
  • :TodoTelescope: Opens Telescope with all TODO comments (if you have Telescope installed)

You can also use keybindings to jump between TODO comments:

  • ]t: Jump to next todo comment
  • [t: Jump to previous todo comment


LazyVim template setup for Odin







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