Sometimes you have to get creative. While reviewing the search activity to find the most popular pages in the docs that I write I saw that there were many searches with zero hits. These failed searches were all in the Chinese language pages, and all written in Pinyin. Algolia has no support for Pinyin, but the crawler can be configured to use metadata added to pages. If you are using Docusaurus and not already using the keywords
metadata for another purpose, the easiest way to enrich your docs with Pinyin is to use the keywords
array in the Docusaurus docs frontmatter. I wanted a Pinyin-specific metadata array to use in addition to the keywords array and added this separately. Both the Pinyin array and keywords array are configured in this guide.
Improve documentation search results.
- Identify poor search results.
- Review the content to determine whether the content needs improving or metadata needs to be added.
- Add content or metadata to improve the documentation.
- Configure the Agolia crawler to extract and index the new metadata.
- Test
Sources of search result feedback include:
- the Algolia API
- Support Engineers
- GitHub issues filed by readers
- StackOverflow questions
In addition to asking people about search results, I query the Algolia API each week. In my environment the causes of zero results are 1) failing to add a new configuration parameter, 2) failing to add a new feature, or 3) not having a Pinyin term on a feature page. This is the query used to return the list of queries with no results:
echo "## Algolia top failed searches" >>
echo " " >>
curl --silent --fail \
-X GET \
-H "X-Algolia-API-Key: $ALGOLIA_TOKEN" \
-H "X-Algolia-Application-Id: ER08SJMRY1" \
"" \
| jq -r '.searches | to_entries[] | "- [ ] \(", " failures this week: \(.value.count)"' \
This is what the resulting GitHub issue looks like:
## Algolia top failed searches
- [ ] shu'ju
failures this week: 42
- [ ] chakan
failures this week: 29
- [ ] cha'kan
failures this week: 26
Cheerio is a server-side implementation of JQuery. Cheerio is used by the Algolia Crawler to extract the Pinyin, keywords, and description metadata from the documentation pages. I find that the extracting data with Cheerio section of the Algolia docs is the place to learn about extracting custom data from Docusaurus docs.
Docusaurus allows adding custom metadata to the page <head></head>
in the Markdown file. Here is an example:
sidebar_position: 1
keywords: ['static', 'pages']
description: How to create a new static page
<head> <meta name="pinyin" content="Yuanshuju" /> </head>
# Create a Page
The above results in this being added to the HTML:
<meta data-rh="true" name="pinyin" content="Yuanshuju">
The Algolia Docsearch program includes the Algolia Crawler. By default, the crawler supports Docusaurus and
many other documentation frameworks. The following describes adding the new attribute pinyin
These are the steps:
- Publish the new content described in Add the metadata to doc pages
- Add the new attribute to the crawler config
- Run a URL test in the crawler editor
- Initiate a crawl
- Configure the index
The full file is crawler.js. These extracts are to remind the reader to add the attribute in the four indicated sections of the crawler configuration.
recordExtractor: ({ $, helpers }) => {
// get the Pinyin metadata
const pinyin = $("meta[name='pinyin']").attr("content") || "";
return helpers.docsearch({
pinyin: { defaultValue: pinyin },
attributesToRetrieve: [
searchableAttributes: [
While in the crawler config editor, you can paste in a URL to test and select the Records
tab. This output shows
the retrieved records. Confirm that your attribute is present and populated:
"indexName": "galacticbase",
"records": [
"objectID": "0-",
"version": [
"tags": [],
"url": "",
"url_without_variables": "",
"url_without_anchor": "",
"anchor": "",
"content": "\r\nTutorial - Basics\r\ncreate-a-page",
"content_camel": "\r\nTutorial - Basics\r\ncreate-a-page",
"lang": "en",
"language": "en",
"type": "content",
"no_variables": false,
"docusaurus_tag": "docs-default-current",
"description": "How to create a new static page",
"keywords": "static,pages",
"pinyin": "Yuanshuju",
"weight": {
"pageRank": 0,
"level": 0,
"position": 0
If the attribute is populated, then save the config and launch a recrawl from the crawler overview.
If this is not the very first crawl the index will have to be configured to include the new attribute in search results.
- When the crawl finishes open the index in the dashboard
- Open Configuration, choose Searchable attributes, click Add a Searchable Attribute, and type in the attribute name.
- Save and Review
In addition to adding the pinyin
metadata keywords[]
and description
are also added:
recordExtractor: ({ $, helpers }) => {
// get the description metadata
const description = $("meta[name='description']").attr("content") || "";
const keywords = $("meta[name='keywords']").attr("content") || "";
const pinyin = $("meta[name='pinyin']").attr("content") || "";
If the keywords field is used to prioritize pages in the documentation search results, then the index configuration in the Algolia UI needs to be edited. Open the index configuration and drag the keywords field to the top of the list to increase the priority of the keywords.