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Releases: DanielOgorchock/ST_Anything

HubDuino v1.1.10

25 Feb 04:00
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Small changes to make compatible with latest Arduino IDE board support packages for the ESP8266 and ESP32.
Drop support for SmartThings platform as the Groovy IDE has been retired.

ST_Anything v2.9.9 and HubDuino v1.1.9

28 May 22:56
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Small changes to make compatible with latest Arduino IDE board support packages for the ESP8266 and ESP32.

Hubitat v1.1.8 stable release before upcoming Hubitat driver changes

25 Jan 17:53
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I wanted to create a stable release before I start making some significant changes to the Hubitat Drivers. This will allow users to still download this release should they prefer the old child drivers. Hubitat v1.1.8 includes all of the minor changes since Hubitat v1.1.7.

HubDuino v1.1.7 Enhancements

15 Sep 19:14
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On Hubitat platform, removed the need to enter the microcontroller MAC address and number of buttons. This information will be automagically determined by the Parent Driver. Also implemented the Presence Capability in the Parent Driver to determine if the microcontroller has been offline for too long. This can help determine if a microcontroller is having a communication issue.

Added support for Arduino NANO33IoT board

17 Aug 21:19
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Added support for MKR1010, Arduino 1.8.9, ESP8266 v2.5.2, updated numerous libraries, etc...

29 Jun 01:27
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Added support for SHT31 I2C Temp/Humid Sensor

24 Mar 21:10
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v1.1.4 Added Support for SHT31 sensor

EX_Servo Enhancements

10 Feb 14:39
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v2.9.3's most significant change is a redesign of the EX_Servo class. You can now control the speed of the servo motor, configure position values for 'on' and 'off' and use those commands in your automations, and motor moves are now asynchronous, allowing multiple motors to move simultaneously without blocking other ST_Anything tasks.

Also, an attempt has been made to modify the Parent Device Handler prevent the 'duplicate child devices' issue. Early testing looks hopeful, but only time will tell.

Added I2C sensor support

04 Jul 14:04
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Added support for I2C sensors:

  • MAX44009, TSL2561, BH1750 (lux)
  • BME280, BMP280 (temperature, pressure, and humidity(BME280 only)
  • TCS34725 (color lux)
  • AM2320 (temperature, humidity)

Added ST_Anything_I2C_ESP8266WiFi.ino example sketch to demonstrate how to use these new sensors.

v2.9.1 Added Servo Motor Support plus various other changes

24 Jun 14:36
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Added Servo Motor Support, re-architected parent/child device handlers, plus various other changes over the past few months.