Automated Testing Framework for Registration Process This project is an automated testing framework built with Python, Pytest, and Allure to test the registration process of a web application. It aims to provide comprehensive testing coverage for various scenarios encountered during user registration.
Features Pytest: Utilizes Pytest, a testing framework for Python, to write and execute test cases efficiently. Allure Reporting: Integrates Allure Reporting for generating comprehensive and interactive test reports. Selenium WebDriver: Uses Selenium WebDriver to automate interactions with the web application's UI elements. Parameterized Tests: Employs parameterized tests to test various input combinations for robust validation. Page Object Model (POM): Implements the Page Object Model design pattern for better test maintenance and readability. Prerequisites Ensure you have the following installed:
Python 3.x Pip package manager Webdriver compatible with your browser (e.g., GeckodriverDriver for Firefox)
To Use Allure: You need to run your tests with --> pytest --alluredir=./allure-results 'your_test' And then use --> allure serve ./allure-results