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Creating an Alias

Stefan edited this page Aug 11, 2015 · 19 revisions

There are four ways of creating an alias.

/alias create <name>

This command creates a new alias with default settings, which are taken from the template.yml. After creating an alias with this command, head over to your plugins/SimpleAlias/aliases directory and customise the file named <alias_name>.yml.

/alias single <name> <command>

This command creates an alias for a single command. It actually uses the default settings from the template.yml, but only adds an action which executes your command and adds it to the Excecution_Order. For example if you wanted to create an alias of /clearinventory called ci, you would type /alias single ci clearinventory. Typing /ci afterwards would execute the command /clearinventory.

/alias multiple <name> <command#command...>

This command creates an alias for a multiple commands. It actually uses the default settings from the template.yml, but only adds the actions which execute your commands and adds them to the Excecution_Order. For example if you wanted to create an alias to save you from death called saveme,you would type /alias multiple saveme /spawn#/gamemode 1 <sender_name>. <sender_name> is a dynamic variable and will be replaced with the name of the player who executes the alias. (More information about dynamic variables can be found here) Typing /saveme afterwards would execute the command /spawn and /gamemode 1 <sender_name>.

/alias message <name> <message>

This command creates an alias for a message. It actually uses the default settings from the template.yml, but only adds an action which displays your message and adds it to the Excecution_Order. Formatting codes starting with & instead of § and unicode starting with \u will be translated in the text. You can also use the dynamic variables here. For example if you wanted to create the alias greet which greets the player executing it, you would type /alias message greet &aHello there &6<sender_name>&a, how are you?. Typing /greet afterwards would send the message §aHello there §6<sender_name>§a, how are you? to the player executing the alias.