A simple dynamic shopping site demo. Deployed with AWS. DEMO website: http://www.zhouyunlu.com
It is a maven project, using springMVC and hibernate with c3p0 to manage connection pool. Apply Jquery validate plugin and hibernate validator for validation. Ajax to check duplicate username. Masonry plugin for layout optimizing.
This application is depolyed on AWS.
- All pictures are saved in S3, if you want to save picture to remote server or localhost, modify addProductController.java and changeProductController.java.
- To manage database connection, modify hibernate.cfg.xml, and change connection to remote database or localhost.
In this shopping site, a user can be both seller and buyer.
- Buyers can add product to cart and set the product quantity. After placing orders, products' stock will be updated automatically.
- Buyers can manage cart and wishlist.
- Buyers can see order history and add comments to ordered products.
- Buyers can pay through Paypal and will receive a confirmed email after orders paid.
- Sellers can add new products and edit information of products.
- Sellers can see all the order details of their products.
- Sellers cannot see their own products from the shopping pages or add their products to cart.
Eclipse(Spring Tool Suite)
- Spring 3.2.3
- Hibernate 4.2.1
- SpringMVC 3.0.7
- Bootstrap 3.3.7
- masonry
- list country state master
Database file is myShoppingSite_query.sql Paypal service is deployed and can test through Paypal sandbox.