A very small lib which provides a stream based hashing mechanism for a specified directory and all its content. Returns a stream of WorkStatus which can be used to get updates on the progress of the hashing process. When the hashing is done, it returns a Result with a HashMap containing the file paths and their respective hashes. Hashing is also stream based, so it shouldn't consume too much memory.
ONLY AND FINAL DISCLAIMER: Bad code ahead. I started learning rust 6 days ago.
Dunno if dis works, should though
use ProgressedHasher::progressed_hashing;
async fn main() {
let file_path = PathBuf::from("./your_directory"); // Replace with your directory
let mut stream = progressed_hashing(&file_path);
while let Some(work_status) = stream.next().await {
match work_status {
WorkStatus::Started(total_files) => {
println!("Started hashing {} files", total_files);
WorkStatus::Progress(update) => {
println!("Hashing file: {} ({}/{})", update.current_file, update.total_hashed_files, total_files);
WorkStatus::Result(file_hashes) => {
println!("Finished hashing! Results:");
for (path, hash) in file_hashes {
println!("{}: {}", path.display(), hash);
WorkStatus::Error(err) => {
eprintln!("Error: {:?}", err);