Simple calculator based on Shunting-Yard algorithm implemented in two nights.
It is capable of calculating simple numeric equations:
2 + (2 * 3) / 4 - (2 ** 5)
It has a lot of build in functions that implemented both as operators and functions:
sin(2) + min(10, 3) ** 2
sin 2 + (10 min 3) ** 2
Some boolean operators supported:
(10 <= sin(10) + 1) and (cos(3 ** -sin(3.1415926)))
Has support for variables and some built-in variables:
(10 <= sin(tau) + 1) and (cos(3 ** -sin(pi))) * x
x is passed as a command line argument
Area | Functions |
roots | sqrt, cbrt |
exponentiation | ln, lg, exp |
rounding | ceil, floor, round, trunc |
trigonometry | sin, asin, sinh, asinh, cos, acos, cosh, acosh, tan, atan, tanh, atanh, ctan, actan, ctanh, actanh |
arithmetic operators | + , - , / , * , % ,^ (** ), |
logical operators | < , > , <= , >= , == , and , or ,xor |
other (operator functions) | abs, min, max, lcm, gcd, add, sub, div, mul, mod, pow |
- Fix variable - function confusion in equations like this
tau min pi
- Add command line arguments for variables
- Add variadic support for most binary functions (
+(1, 2, 3)
,min(1, 2, 3)
) hint