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bassosimone edited this page Apr 24, 2012 · 34 revisions


This wiki page contains all the errors found in recent Neubot versions along with links to the fixing commit, where available. This page is in the GitHub wiki rather than in because it is much more manageable to use Git for this task.

Neubot 0.4.9


Neubot 0.4.8


  • [2012-02-12] Settings are not sorted by name in settings.html. Fixed by this commit, the fix is included in Neubot 0.4.9.

  • [2012-02-27] Plots are blank on Windows XP, Internet Explorer 8, unless you enable compatibility mode for the page. No problem on Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9, so may have something to do with canvas emulation on IE8. Reported on the public mailing list by Joachim Kross, thanks! Fixed by this commit, the fix is included in Neubot 0.4.11.

Neubot 0.4.6


  • [2012-01-24] In privacy policy v2.0, Measurement-Lab URI is incorrectly reported to be, but the correct URI is Fixed by this commit:, the fix is already available in Neubot 0.4.8.

  • [2012-01-24] When a test starts, the results of the last test are not properly cleared in the right sidebar. As a result, if the test fails, you see in the right sidebar the name of the new test and the results of the old test. Reported by Alessio Palmero Aprosio, thanks! Fixed by this commit:, the fix is already available in Neubot 0.4.8.

  • [2012-01-24] Under Windows 7, Neubot uninstaller does not show up in the control panel. Should you want to uninstall Neubot, you must do that manually, invoking the uninstall.exe program at C:\Users\USER\Neubot, where USER is your user name. Reported by Alessandro Longo, thanks! Fixed by this commit:, the fix is already available in Neubot 0.4.8.

  • [2012-01-24] The update.html page does not load at a minimum the state.js javascript and, as a results, the right sidebar is not initialized. Fixed by this commit:, the fix is already available in Neubot 0.4.8.

  • [2012-01-24] The update.html page pops up too frequently and should allow users to silence the warning. Fixed by this commit, the fix will be included in Neubot 0.4.9.

  • [2012-01-25] The neubot-nox-0.4.6-1_all.deb file was missing in the releases directory. Spotted by my aunt (!), thanks! This is now fixed in the releases site and has been fixed 2012-01-26.

  • [2012-01-25] The testing-only codepath for speedtest and bittorrent should nonetheless check the privacy settings. Noted while helping Tiziana to debug a Neubot problem with her laptop. Fixed by this commit:, and is already include in Neubot 0.4.8.

  • [2012-01-27] It has been reported that one would expected that when Neubot is disabled it should not open the browser. I think that, in general, one wants to receive notifications in any case, however, I've added a setting to let an user decide to receive no notifications when Neubot is disabled. Link to commit, and note that the fix will be included in Neubot 0.4.9.

  • [2012-01-30] The geographic redirection table has been disabled by mistake the 23rd January, and all tests where served by the master server. Found the hard way by Felipe Octaviano Delgado Busnello, many thanks! This is now fixed and I've added a number of checks to make sure it couldn't happen again. This has been fixed 2012-01-30.

  • [2012-02-13] The migration from database schema 4.1 to 4.2 (which takes place when updating to Neubot 0.4.6) is broken and, as a result, columns collected before Neubot 0.4.6 are permuted. Preliminary investigation of this issue suggests that the permutation depends on Python version and possibly system architecture. So, it should be possible to restore the correct column order at least when the system Python is the same that had created that mess. Link to the offending commit: Fixed by this commit:, the fix is included in Neubot 0.4.11.


  • [2012-01-24] The first automatic test may fail under MacOSX, because (apparently) the first test is attempted when the network is already down. The proper fix for this problem would be to register with the system to be notified that the network is up, and requires a bit of ObjC-fu. A reasonable workaround may be to periodically retry and backoff when the first rendezvous fails.

  • [2012-01-24] A FAQ section mentioning the security implications of publishing the user Internet address is missing. This question was asked me privately by someone on privacy@.

  • [2012-01-25] The user-wide database is a potential source of confusion and cognitive dissonance. The program should always read (and, if possible, write) settings from/to the system-wide database. This is not something that affects the casual user but you'll jump into this problem, sooner or later, if you start using Neubot from the command line. Noted while helping Tiziana to debug a Neubot problem with her laptop. A patch that tries to solve this problem is currently being tested, but it has not matured enough yet.

  • [2012-01-26] The update.html page is not clear enough and should give, at a minimum, information about the number of version and the place where to download. It would be even better if it could provide a direct download link. Reported by and discussed with Felipe Octaviano Delgado Busnello, thanks! This bug is not a priority because work on automatic Win32 updates is in progress, and with automatic updates this bug becomes much less relevant.

  • [2012-01-27] The web user interface should explain clearly how one can report a Neubot bug and should, at the minimum, provide the mailing list email address.

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