Open source Self-Navigating Bot implemented in ROS using Kinect sensor.
Install the ROS Noetic framework for Ubuntu 20.04.
mkdir -p ~/project/src
cd ~/project/src
# Git must be installed
git clone
# Installs the dependencies required for successful catkin_make
# Clones the required packages from github into the src folder
cd ..
# Build the code
# If no errors run
source devel/setup.bash
# open four terminals
cd ~/project
# source all the terminals
source devel/setup.bash
# Terminal 1
roslaunch navigator_bringup robot_standalone.launch
# Terminal 2
roslaunch navigator_slam mapping.launch
# Terminal 3
roslaunch navigator_bringup view_navigation.launch
# Terminal 4 - Run the following command after building the map
rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/project/src/Self_Navigating_Bot/navigator_navigation/maps/map_name
# open three terminals
cd ~/project
# source the terminals
source devel/setup.bash
# Terminal 1
roslaunch navigator_bringup robot_standalone.launch
# Terminal 2
roslaunch navigator_navigation auto.launch
# Terminal 3
roslaunch navigator_bringup view_navigation.launch
# open three terminals
cd ~/project
# source all the terminals
source devel/setup.bash
# Terminal 1
roslaunch navigator_bringup robot_standalone.launch
# Terminal 2
roslaunch navigator_navigation sman.launch
# Terminal 3
roslaunch navigator_bringup view_navigation.launch