This is a minimap tracker for League of Legends.
this code depends on OpenCV and PyTorch. please follow the instructions on official OpenCV and PyTorch website
$ git clone
video_path = "videos/lck.mp4"
it's also possible to load videos directly from youtube, but you need to have pafy library installed
$ pip install pafy
video_path = util.load_yt("").url
save_path = "paths/lck.json"
targets = ["morgana", "j4", "tf"]
this is usefull when there is loading screen at the start of the video.
let's say we want to skip to 1:34, then
starts_at = (minutes * 60 + seconds) * frame_rate = (60 * 1 + 34) * 30
usually icon_radius should be set to 11, but if this doesn't work, you can try other values under 20.
$ python