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feat(kleros-governor): add new contract by unknownunknown1
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epiqueras committed Apr 23, 2019
1 parent e06a762 commit 5826460
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Showing 12 changed files with 348 additions and 29 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .solcover.js
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
module.exports = {
testrpcOptions: '--port 8555 --defaultBalanceEther 9007199254740991',
copyPackages: ['kleros-interaction', 'minimetoken']
copyPackages: ['@kleros/kleros-interaction', 'minimetoken']
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions contracts/Governance.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,9 @@

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/permission/ArbitrablePermissionList.sol";
import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/CentralizedArbitrator.sol"; // I need this contract to be deployed for tests, Truffle issue.
import { MiniMeTokenERC20, TokenController } from "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/permission/ArbitrablePermissionList.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/CentralizedArbitrator.sol"; // I need this contract to be deployed for tests, Truffle issue.
import { MiniMeTokenERC20, TokenController } from "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";

* @title Governance
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contracts/Migrations.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.4;

// Test Imports
import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/ConstantNG.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/ConstantNG.sol";

contract Migrations {
address public owner;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion contracts/kleros/ArbitratorCourt.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;

import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol";

* @title ArbitratorCourt
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions contracts/kleros/Kleros.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@

pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol";
import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol";
import { MiniMeTokenERC20 as Pinakion } from "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol";
import { MiniMeTokenERC20 as Pinakion } from "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";
import { ApproveAndCallFallBack } from "minimetoken/contracts/MiniMeToken.sol";

contract Kleros is Arbitrator, ApproveAndCallFallBack {
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313 changes: 313 additions & 0 deletions contracts/kleros/KlerosGovernor.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import "./KlerosLiquid.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/libraries/CappedMath.sol";

contract KlerosGovernor is Arbitrable{
using CappedMath for uint;

enum Status {NoDispute, DisputeCreated}

struct Transaction{
uint ID;
address target;
uint value;
bytes data;
bool executed;
struct TransactionList{
address sender;
uint deposit;
mapping(uint => Transaction) transactions;
bytes32 listHash;
uint submissionTime;
mapping(uint => bool) appealFeePaid;
uint txCounter;

Status public status;
uint public submissionDeposit;
uint public withdrawTimeout;
uint public submissionTimeout;

uint public winnerStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the fee stake paid by the party that won the previous round.
uint public loserStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the fee stake paid by the party that lost the previous round.
uint public sharedStakeMultiplier; // Multiplier for calculating the fee stake that must be paid in the case where there isn't a winner and loser (e.g. when the arbitrator ruled "refused to rule"/"could not rule").
uint public constant MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR = 10000; // Divisor parameter for multipliers.

uint public sumDeposit; //sum of all submission deposits in a session. Needed for calculating a reward
uint public lastAction;

uint public disputeID;

uint public round; //0 - dispute, 1-.. appeal rounds
mapping (uint => uint) public submissions; //ID of a submssion starting with 1 -> index of txList in the array
mapping(uint => uint) public submissionCounter; //round -> number of submissions
TransactionList[] public txLists;

modifier depositRequired() {require(msg.value >= submissionDeposit, "Submission deposit must be paid"); _;}
modifier duringSubmissionPeriod() {require(now <= lastAction + submissionTimeout, "Submission time has ended"); _;}
modifier duringExecutionPeriod() {require(now > lastAction + submissionTimeout, "Execution time has not started yet"); _;}

KlerosLiquid _kleros,
bytes _extraData,
uint _submissionDeposit,
uint _submissionTimeout,
uint _withdrawTimeout,
uint _winnerStakeMultiplier,
uint _loserStakeMultiplier,
uint _sharedStakeMultiplier
)public Arbitrable(_kleros, _extraData){
lastAction = now;
submissionDeposit = _submissionDeposit;
submissionTimeout = _submissionTimeout;
withdrawTimeout = _withdrawTimeout;
winnerStakeMultiplier = _winnerStakeMultiplier;
loserStakeMultiplier = _loserStakeMultiplier;
sharedStakeMultiplier = _sharedStakeMultiplier;

function createTransactionList() public duringSubmissionPeriod returns(uint listID){
listID = txLists.length - 1;
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[listID];
txList.sender = msg.sender;

function addTransactions(uint _listID, address _target, bytes _data) payable public duringSubmissionPeriod {
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[_listID];
require(txList.sender == msg.sender, "Can't add transactions to the list created by someone else");
require(txList.submissionTime == 0, "List is already submitted");
uint ID = uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(_target, msg.value, _data)));
uint index;
bool found;
//transactions are sorted to catch lists with the same transactions that were added in different order
if (txList.txCounter > 1) {
for (uint i = txList.txCounter - 2; i >= 0; i--){
if (ID < txList.transactions[i].ID){
Transaction storage currentTx = txList.transactions[i];
txList.transactions[i + 1] = currentTx;
delete txList.transactions[i];
index = i;
found = true;
} else {
if (!found) index = txList.txCounter - 1;
Transaction storage transaction = txList.transactions[index];
transaction.ID = ID; = _target;
transaction.value = msg.value; = _data;

function submitTransactionList(uint _listID)payable public depositRequired duringSubmissionPeriod{
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[_listID];
require(txList.sender == msg.sender, "Can't submit the list created by someone else");
require(txList.submissionTime == 0, "List is already submitted");
txList.submissionTime = now;
txList.deposit = submissionDeposit;
//store listhash to catch duplicates
if (txList.txCounter > 0){
bytes32 listHash = bytes32(txList.transactions[0].ID);
for (uint i = 1; i < txList.txCounter; i++){
listHash = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(bytes32(txList.transactions[i].ID), listHash));
txList.listHash = listHash;
sumDeposit += submissionDeposit;
submissions[submissionCounter[round]] = _listID;

uint surplus = msg.value - submissionDeposit;
if (surplus > 0) msg.sender.send(surplus);

function withdrawTransactionList(uint _submissionID) public duringSubmissionPeriod{
require(_submissionID > 0 && _submissionID <= submissionCounter[0], "ID is out of range");
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[submissions[_submissionID]];
require(txList.sender == msg.sender, "Can't withdraw the list created by someone else");
require(now - txList.submissionTime <= withdrawTimeout, "Withdrawing time has passed");
uint deposit = txList.deposit;
submissions[_submissionID] = submissions[submissionCounter[0]];
delete submissions[submissionCounter[0]];
sumDeposit -= deposit;
require(msg.sender.send(deposit), "Was unable to return deposit");

function executeTransactionList() public duringExecutionPeriod{
require(status == Status.NoDispute, "Can't execute transaction list while dispute is active");

if (submissionCounter[round] == 0){
lastAction = now;

if (submissionCounter[round] == 1) {
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[submissions[1]];
for (uint i = 0; i < txList.txCounter; i++){
Transaction storage transaction = txList.transactions[i];
require(!transaction.executed); // solium-disable-line error-reason
transaction.executed = true;; // solium-disable-line security/no-call-value
sumDeposit = 0;
lastAction = now;
submissionCounter[round] = 0;
} else {
status = Status.DisputeCreated;
uint arbitrationCost = arbitrator.arbitrationCost(arbitratorExtraData);
disputeID = arbitrator.createDispute.value(arbitrationCost)(txLists.length, arbitratorExtraData);
sumDeposit = sumDeposit.subCap(arbitrationCost);
lastAction = 0; //freeze lastAction time so there would be no submissions untill the dispute is resolved

function fundAppeal(uint _submissionID) public payable{
require(_submissionID > 0 && _submissionID <= submissionCounter[0], "ID is out of range");
require(status == Status.DisputeCreated, "No dispute to appeal");
require(arbitrator.disputeStatus(disputeID) == Arbitrator.DisputeStatus.Appealable, "Dispute is not appealable.");
(uint appealPeriodStart, uint appealPeriodEnd) = arbitrator.appealPeriod(disputeID);
now - appealPeriodStart < (appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart) * 2/3,
"Appeal fees must be paid within the two thirds of appeal period."
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[submissions[_submissionID]];
require(txList.sender == msg.sender, "Can't fund the list created by someone else");

if (round > 1){
require(txList.appealFeePaid[round - 1], "Can't participate if didn't pay appeal fee in previous round");

require(!txList.appealFeePaid[round], "Appeal fee has already been paid");

bool winner;
uint multiplier;

if (arbitrator.currentRuling(disputeID) == _submissionID){
winner = true;
multiplier = winnerStakeMultiplier;
} else if (arbitrator.currentRuling(disputeID) == 0){
multiplier = sharedStakeMultiplier;
} else {
multiplier = loserStakeMultiplier;

require(winner || (now - appealPeriodStart < (appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart)/3), "The loser must pay during the first third of the appeal period.");

uint appealCost = arbitrator.appealCost(disputeID, arbitratorExtraData);
uint totalCost = appealCost.addCap((appealCost.mulCap(multiplier)) / MULTIPLIER_DIVISOR);

require(msg.value >= totalCost, "Not enough ETH to cover appeal cost");
txList.appealFeePaid[round] = true;
uint remainder = msg.value - totalCost;
if (remainder > 0) require(txList.sender.send(remainder), "Couldn't sent leftover ETH");

//create an appeal if every side is funded
if(submissionCounter[round] == submissionCounter[round - 1]){
arbitrator.appeal.value(appealCost)(disputeID, arbitratorExtraData);

function appeal()public {
require(status == Status.DisputeCreated, "No dispute to appeal");
require(arbitrator.disputeStatus(disputeID) == Arbitrator.DisputeStatus.Appealable, "Dispute is not appealable.");
(uint appealPeriodStart, uint appealPeriodEnd) = arbitrator.appealPeriod(disputeID);
now - appealPeriodStart >= (appealPeriodEnd - appealPeriodStart) * 2/3 && now < appealPeriodEnd,
"Appeal must be raised in the last third of appeal period."

require(submissionCounter[round] > 1, "Not enough submissions to create an appeal");
uint appealCost = arbitrator.appealCost(disputeID, arbitratorExtraData);
arbitrator.appeal.value(appealCost)(disputeID, arbitratorExtraData);

/** @dev Give a ruling for a dispute. Must be called by the arbitrator.
* The purpose of this function is to ensure that the address calling it has the right to rule on the contract.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
* @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
function rule(uint _disputeID, uint _ruling) public {
require(msg.sender == address(arbitrator), "Must be called by the arbitrator");
require(status == Status.DisputeCreated, "The dispute has already been resolved");
//override the decision if one of the submissions was a duplicate with lower submission time or if it was the only side that paid appeal fee
uint ruling = _ruling;
for (uint i = 1; i <= submissionCounter[0]; i++){
if (i == ruling){
if (txLists[submissions[i]].listHash == txLists[submissions[ruling]].listHash && txLists[submissions[i]].submissionTime < txLists[submissions[ruling]].submissionTime
|| txLists[submissions[i]].appealFeePaid[round] && submissionCounter[round] == 1){
ruling = i;
executeRuling(_disputeID, ruling);

/** @dev Execute a ruling of a dispute.
* @param _disputeID ID of the dispute in the Arbitrator contract.
* @param _ruling Ruling given by the arbitrator. Note that 0 is reserved for "Not able/wanting to make a decision".
function executeRuling(uint _disputeID, uint _ruling) internal{
//nothing is executed if ruling is not decided
if(_ruling != 0){
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[submissions[_ruling]];
for (uint i = 0; i < txList.txCounter; i++){
Transaction storage transaction = txList.transactions[i];
require(!transaction.executed); // solium-disable-line error-reason
transaction.executed = true;; // solium-disable-line security/no-call-value
//the reward is the submission deposit of losing parties minus arbitration fee
uint reward = sumDeposit.subCap(txList.deposit);
require(txList.sender.send(reward), "Was unable to send reward");
sumDeposit = 0;
lastAction = now;
status = Status.NoDispute;
for (i = 0; i <= round; i++){
submissionCounter[i] = 0;
round = 0;
disputeID = 0;

function getTransactionInfo(uint _listID, uint _transactionIndex)
returns (
uint ID,
address target,
uint value,
bytes data,
bool executed
TransactionList storage txList = txLists[_listID];
Transaction storage transaction = txList.transactions[_transactionIndex];
return (

function isAppealFeePaid(uint _listID, uint _round) public view returns(bool){
return txLists[_listID].appealFeePaid[_round];
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions contracts/kleros/KlerosLiquid.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;

import { TokenController } from "minimetoken/contracts/TokenController.sol";
import { Arbitrator, Arbitrable } from "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol";
import { MiniMeTokenERC20 as Pinakion } from "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";
import { RNG } from "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol";
import { Arbitrator, Arbitrable } from "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/Arbitrator.sol";
import { MiniMeTokenERC20 as Pinakion } from "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";
import { RNG } from "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol";

import { SortitionSumTreeFactory } from "../data-structures/SortitionSumTreeFactory.sol";

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions contracts/kleros/POC/KlerosPOCCourt.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
pragma solidity ^0.4.15;

import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTransaction.sol"; // Needed for tests
import "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol";
import { MiniMeTokenERC20 as Pinakion } from "kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTransaction.sol"; // Needed for tests
import "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/rng/RNG.sol";
import { MiniMeTokenERC20 as Pinakion } from "@kleros/kleros-interaction/contracts/standard/arbitration/ArbitrableTokens/MiniMeTokenERC20.sol";

import "../KlerosCourt.sol";

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
"web3-utils": "^1.0.0-beta.36"
"dependencies": {
"kleros-interaction": "^0.1.1",
"@kleros/kleros-interaction": "^0.9.0",
"minimetoken": "^0.2.0"

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