This code was DWD's contribution to the #vismethack on June 2022 at ECMWF.
This repo offers a way to convert DWD MOSMIX data to geoJSON. Possible uses after conversion include visualization of this global point data with skinnyWMS.
MOSMIX data is generated from model output statistics. DWD MOSMIX data is published on DWD open data at MOSMIX_L contains a large selection of parameters; MOSMIX_S contains a smaller selection of parameters.
The chosen KMZ format is a zipped KML, which contains MOSMIX data in a special format.
This software is intended to be used with DWD's MOSMIX data.
Run pip install git+[email protected]#egg=mosmix2geojson
in a virtual env) to install the latest version of the Python package along with it's CLI.
This is an example step-by-step usage. The latest MOSMIX_L data from is downloaded to the working directory and converted to GeoJSON.
mosmix2geojson --max-stations 2 --json-indent 2 MOSMIX_L_*.kml mosmix-l.geojson
This will stop after a maximum of 2 MOSMIX stations, which is just to reduce processing time for demonstration purposes.
To process all stations just remove --max-stations 2
from this command.
Caution: Processing a whole MOSMIX_L file will take up to 10 GiB of memory. Make sure you have enough memory or your computer may become unresponsive.
The output uses MOSMIX parameter names by default. This can be changed by mapping the output with an integrated or a
custom mapping file. Use the option --map-to-cf
to map the output to CF standard names (or to a human-readable name if
no CF standard name exists for this parameter). Alternatively, a custom mapping can be applied via
--mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
When a mapping of any kind is applied, any unmapped parameters will be excluded from the output by default. Beware that
is currently incomplete and will therefore lack many MOSMIX parameters. Combine any mapping with
to include any unmapped parameters with their original MOSMIX names in the output. Use this feature
at your own risk as the combination of --map-to-cf
and --keep-unmapped
will lead to broken code when we extend this
mapping in the future releases.
usage: mosmix2geojson [-h] [--map-to-cf | -m MAPPING_FILE] [-k] [--export-cf-mapping] [-x MAX_STATIONS] [-i JSON_INDENT] [-v] [SOURCE] [TARGET]
Convert DWD MOSMIX data to GeoJSON.
positional arguments:
SOURCE source KML file, - for stdin (default: stdin)
TARGET target JSON file, - for stdout (default: stdout)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-x MAX_STATIONS, --max-stations MAX_STATIONS
number of stations to be processed (default: all stations)
-i JSON_INDENT, --json-indent JSON_INDENT
indentation blanks for json (default: no indentation)
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
mapping arguments:
Transform the output with mapped parameters. When a mapping of any kind is applied, unmapped parameters will not be included by default. Change this behaviour with the --keep-unmapped flag. Use this feature at your own risk.
--map-to-cf produce output with CF standard names or another human readable name where no CF standard name exists
-m MAPPING_FILE, --mapping-file MAPPING_FILE
apply a custom mapping to the output
-k, --keep-unmapped include unmapped parameters in output
--export-cf-mapping print the mapping configuration used by --map-to-cf and exit
- Clone this repo.
- Create a Python virtualenv, e.g.
python3 -m venv venv
- Perform an editable installation of the package with dev extras, i.e.
pip install -e .[dev]
Now you can use the CLI interface with your latest changes. To create a new tagged version, commit your changes and then
run bump2version major|minor|patch
to automatically do the following:
- calculate the new version string
- update it in all the relevant files (as specified in
) - commit the changed files and tag the commit with a suitable version tag