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OpenGL implementation of the Solar System


3D simulation of the Copernican astronomical model. The radii and distances of astronomical objects are to scale. Implemented using Python3, C, FreeGLUT and cJSON.

Solar System Exhibition GIF 1 Solar System Exhibition GIF 2
Previews of the rendered scene as the camera slowly moves away and the Sun's rotation.

Simulated Earth Screenshot JPEG Simulated Moon Screenshot JPEG
Simulated Jupiter Screenshot JPEG Simulated Neptune Screenshot JPEG
Sample screenshots from the Simulation; Many thanks to Solar System Scope for the textures.


  1. System Requirements

  2. Setup

  3. Implementation

    1. JSON data

    2. Dependencies

      1. cJSON

      2. FreeGLUT

    3. Build Automation

    4. Interaction

    5. Classes

      1. AmbientStars

      2. Camera

      3. CustomTypes

      4. MenuScreen

      5. StellarObject

      6. TextRendering

      7. Timer

System Requirements

This project demands the existence of a base Python3 interpeter, CMake ver >3.1 and a C compiler. In the future the project will be supported for different C compilers and operating systems (Windows, Linux, MacOS). However, for the time being support is available only on machines with MS Windows OS and the MSVC compiler.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Check for and install any missing Python module dependencies:

    pip install --exists-action=i -r pydepend.txt
  3. Within the repo's directory, paste the command:

    python -build-depend -build-proj -run /planets:the_solar_system

    The script automatically creates and handle's the project's file structure, downloads and compiles dependencies, links them to the project, compiles the project and executes the generated executable with the /planets:<SOLAR-DIR> command line argument.

    For more information on the build automation python script, refer to the Build Automation subsection as well as the script's instruction using:

    python -help


I. JSON data

All the simulation's data are loaded from external JSON files, found within the ./data directory. Two JSON files are loaded and parsed, i.e. constants.json and any other JSON file with astronomical data.

The user is encouraged to manipulate constants.json's data to fit their preferences. Currently, it is is expected to have the following structure:

    "window_dimensions" : {
        "width" : <int_value>,
        "height" : <int_value>

    "fullscreen" : <boolean_value>,

    "sky_texture" : <boolean_value>,

    "framerate" : <float_value>

The second JSON file that contains the astronomical system's data (e.g. ./data/the_solar_system/data.json) is expected to comprise of a single array of objects under the "Astronomical Objects" key. The array's elements specify each astronomical object found within the system, as well as its parameters which are:

  • name
  • radius (AU)
  • orbit_period (days)
  • lin_velocity (AU/h)
  • parent
  • parent_dist (AU),
  • solar_tilt (deg)
  • day_period (h)
  • color.

For more information on those fields, refer to the StellarObject class.

Note: The simulation data should not be confused with user input data. While "simulation data" are also input data, the term "user input" refers to keyboard and mouse input for interacting with the simulation.

II. Dependencies


cJSON is an open-source ultra-lightweight JSON parser in ANSI C. It is used for parsing the JSON files found under the ./data directory.


FreeGLUT is a free and open-source implementation of the OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT). It is used for managing windows, rendering the 3D world and interacting with it. For more information on interaction, i.e. user input, read Interaction.

III. Build Automation

The script is designed to automate the project's building and execution, the downloading, building and linking of external dependencies, as well as the proper formatting of input data and folder structure; all with the use of its simple command line arguments.

  • Dependencies: The dependencies mentioned in the previous section do not come along with the project in the form of pre-compiled binaries. On the contrary, the project's file structure is dynamically changed as they are downloaded from their respective github repos. The script then automatically compiles, builds and links them to the core project through designated shell commands.

  • Data Formatting: Textures are converted automatically from JPEG format to BMP format using the Pillow module. This is more profitable than either storing them as in BMP format online or creating/integrating a custom implementation for parsing JPEG data.

    The textures are saved in JPEG format under ./data/*/ for efficiency, but creating a custom implementation for parsing JPEG images in C is a very complicated process. Also, integrating a custom implementation just introduces unecessary dependencies, and thus complexity to the project. On the other hand, an implementation for loading bitmap images was relatively straightforward to implement, but images are not stored in BMP format due to their large size. Thus, the Pillow module serves to strike a balance between the two options in this scenario.

  • Program Building/Running: As mentioned in the Setup section, the script serves as a wrapper for the main program, managing the building and running process, as well as specifying the program's input data through designated terminal arguments.

IV. Interaction

  • Camera Movement (available on free-fly mode): W/S keys (hold) for moving forwards/backwards along the camera's orientation vector; A/D keys (hold) for moving along the camera's left/right torso vector; X/SPACE keys (hold) for moving vertically up/down along the y axis.

  • Camera Orientation: Mouse movement.

  • Camera Speed: Roll mousewheel Up/Down to increase/decrease camera movement speed.

  • Heads-Up Display: H key (trigger) for opening and closing the HUD which lists diagnostic information about time, position, etc.

  • Menus: P key (trigger) for opening and closing the planets' menu; ESC key (trigger) for opening and closing the main menu; Up/Down arrow keys for navigating the menus' options; ENTER key for selecting the current menu option.

    • Planet Menu: Lists the names of all loaded astronomical objects. By pressing ENTER on an object's name, the camera enters its locked mode and follows the chosen astronomical object along its trajectory at a fixed distance from it.

    • Main Menu: Lists different options such as free-fly mode which unlocks the camera from the chosen astronomical object, and Exit which terminates the program.

V. Classes

This subsection provides an extended explanation of the program's modules of implementation that are found within the ./include directory. For in-depth analysis of the modules' implementation, feel free to take a look within the designated header files' source code.

  • AmbientStars.h: Used for rendering the skybox which can either be textured or not. The skybox consists of a single sphere, with the camera in its centre and radius $\simeq$ render distance. Skybox texturing is controlled by the sky_texture boolean value within ./data/constants.json.

    • Textured Skybox: Loads the SKYBOX.bmp image (found in the astronomical systems directory) and wraps it around the aforementioned sphere.

    • Non-textured Skybox: Generates N tiny spheres on the skybox's spherical surface to create the illusion of distant stars. Parameter N is specified by the user.

    Custom Skybox Exhibition GIF
    Visual explanation of the Skybox's implementation with and without texture.

  • Camera.h: Functions as a high-level API for managing the first-person player view and its variations based on user input. Encapsulates low-level OpenGL API code such as the manipulation of the projection matrix through gluPerspective and gluLookAt, and manipulating the camera's position and orientation using appropriate conditionals.

  • CustomTypes.h: This header file includes definitions of custom types (e.g. vector types, byte_t, etc.) and certain utility functions. "Utility functions" is an umbrella term for functions that offer essential high-level abstraction routines that C does not offer by itself. Some of these include string functions like strBuild and strCat, vectorLength* functions, openBrowserAt for opening external hyperlinks to the web browser.

  • MenuScreen.h: Encapsulates the implementation of a menu-like environment. When the menu is open, the user can cycle between its different options and choose one of them, thus extending the program's capabilities/functionalities.

    Main Menu Planet Menu
    The simulation's menus' design and options.

  • StellarObject.h: Each instance of struct StellarObject represents a celestial body. All celestial bodies of the specified system are loaded en masse from their designated JSON file (./data/<SOLAR-DIR>/data.json) using the loadAllStellarObjects function.

  • TextRendering: Includes the implementations of renderStringOnScreen and renderStringInWorld functions that abstract the low-level boilerplate code demanded for rendering strings.

  • Timer.h: Used for roughly estimating a code segment's elapsed time from start to finish. struct Timer is used solely for debugging purposes, while getAbsoluteTimeMillis is essential for core functionalities all across the project.


Solar System 3D simulation using OpenGL






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