Enthusiastic Back-end Developer since 2021 using PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Node.JS, MongoDB, Express, NoSQL, Mongoose, AJAX. I also develop front-end projects and features using HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, Ionic, SASS, SCSS and i'm going to learn React soon to develop personal projects with a MERN stack.
Timezone: Europe/Luxembourg (CET)
In my latest project, I created a Flood Prevention Alert website that allows people to subscribe and receive alerts of possible real-time floods in Luxembourg.
Main features:
- Notification by email of alert type (red, orange) for selected regions
- Warnings related to a type of alert
- Measures and procedures to be taken according to alert type.
- Check the level of water within a specific region (User favorite locations)
💬 Ask me about anything regarding my projects, the code itself, any help you may need implementing a feature using one of the technologies that i know. I am happy to help.