- Presented By
- Introduction
- Description
- Pre-requisites
- Frameworks & Tools Used
- To Run the Project
- Report
- Screenshots
- Excel File and Text file to store information of featured News
2304066 - Divyanshu Dangore
The main objective of the project is to implement testing procedures to get the count and display the courses, languages and levels. I have implemented POI, POM, Cucumber and TestNG.
- Search for web development courses for Beginners level & English Language and extract the course names, total learning hours & rating for first 2 courses
- Look for Language Learning; Extract all the languages and different levels with its total count & display them
- In Home page, go to "For Enterprise"; Look into Courses for Campus under Product; Fill the "Ready to transform" form with any one input invalid (example: email); Capture the error message & display (Suggested Site: coursera.org however you are free to choose any other legitimate site)
URL : https://www.coursera.org/
- TestNG
- Cucumber
- Extent Report
- Apache POI
The following are the various ways to run the project:
- Run the testRun class using TestNG Test
1.To access the generated cucumber Report, reach the "reports" Folder: /Hackathon Main/reports/myreport.html.
2.To access the generated extent report,reach the "ExtentReports" Folder : /Hackathon Main/ExtentReports/SparkReport
To view the screenshots for each featured news after clicking on it, reach "screenshots" Folder: /Hackathon Main/screenshots
1.To view count and courses in excel file, reach to "src/test/resources" : /Hackathon Main/src/test/resources/courseData.xlsx.
2.To view content of courses, reach to "src/test/resources" : /Hackathon Main/src/test/resources/courseTextFile.txt (or) view it in console