Cubejs+ is an extensive JavaScript / TypeScript library for representing and controlling a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube. The aim of Cubejs+ is to create an open-source universal API for parsing the information collected from a bluetooth enabled speedcube for analysis. This library is inspired from cube.js and cubing.js.
- Make moves and rotations on a cube.
- Detect if cube is solved.
- Detecting solved edges, corners, crosses, F2L pairs, layers.
- Detecting steps of a CFOP solve.
const cube = Cube.solved();
cube.isSolved(); // true
const test_scramble = parse("U L' U2 R' L");
cube.solvedEdges(); // ['UR', 'FD', 'RD', 'RB', 'DB', 'DL', 'BL']
cube.solvedCorners(); // ['URB', 'RDB', 'DBL']
cube.solvedCrosses(); // ['D']
cube.solvedPairs(); // ['RDB', 'DBL']
const scramble = "L R2 B U2 R2 F D2 L2 F R' F2 D' F U F2 R' B L F'";
const solution =
"x2 U2 Rw' U Rw L F2 R D y' U2 L' U L U' L' U L U' y' U' R' U R2 U' R' U2 L' U L U2 L' U L U' L U' L' y U' y' R U2 R' U R U' R' U2 Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' M' U M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U'";
reconstruct(scramble, solution);
x2 U2 Rw' U Rw L F2 R D // Cross
y' U2 L' U L U' L' U L U' y' U' R' U R2 U' R' // F2L1
U2 L' U L U2 L' U L // F2L2
U' L U' L' // F2L3
y U' y' R U2 R' U R U' R' // F2L4
U2 Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' // OLL
M' U M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U' // PLL
- Tidy up string and enum mixture in
methods. - Write extensive unit tests:
- Check if every move is working correctly.
- Check if parser can parse correctly.
- Check reconstruction is working on edge cases (Skips, xcrosses)
- Predict rotations without user input.
- Add timing between moves support for analysis.
- Show detailed analysis of move timings.
- Add direct bluetooth support.
Please feel free to open issues. This project is still underdevelopment and is open to new suggestions.