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An extended npm module inspired by cubejs with improved functionality.

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Cubejs+ Node.js Package

Cubejs+ is an extensive JavaScript / TypeScript library for representing and controlling a 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube. The aim of Cubejs+ is to create an open-source universal API for parsing the information collected from a bluetooth enabled speedcube for analysis. This library is inspired from cube.js and cubing.js.


  • Make moves and rotations on a cube.
  • Detect if cube is solved.
  • Detecting solved edges, corners, crosses, F2L pairs, layers.
  • Detecting steps of a CFOP solve.

Sample Code

const cube = Cube.solved();

cube.isSolved(); // true


const test_scramble = parse("U L' U2 R' L");

cube.solvedEdges(); // ['UR', 'FD', 'RD', 'RB', 'DB', 'DL', 'BL']
cube.solvedCorners(); // ['URB', 'RDB', 'DBL']
cube.solvedCrosses(); // ['D']
cube.solvedPairs(); // ['RDB', 'DBL']

const scramble = "L R2 B U2 R2 F D2 L2 F R' F2 D' F U F2 R' B L F'";
const solution =
  "x2 U2 Rw' U Rw L F2 R D y' U2 L' U L U' L' U L U' y' U' R' U R2 U' R' U2 L' U L U2 L' U L U' L U' L' y U' y' R U2 R' U R U' R' U2 Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' M' U M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U'";

reconstruct(scramble, solution);
    x2 U2 Rw' U Rw L F2 R D // Cross
    y' U2 L' U L U' L' U L U' y' U' R' U R2 U' R' // F2L1
    U2 L' U L U2 L' U L // F2L2
    U' L U' L' // F2L3
    y U' y' R U2 R' U R U' R' // F2L4
    U2 Rw U R' U R U2 Rw' // OLL
    M' U M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U' // PLL


  • Tidy up string and enum mixture in solved...() methods.
  • Write extensive unit tests:
    • Check if every move is working correctly.
    • Check if parser can parse correctly.
    • Check reconstruction is working on edge cases (Skips, xcrosses)
  • Predict rotations without user input.
  • Add timing between moves support for analysis.
  • Show detailed analysis of move timings.
  • Add direct bluetooth support.


Please feel free to open issues. This project is still underdevelopment and is open to new suggestions.


An extended npm module inspired by cubejs with improved functionality.





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