Modbus READ v2020.2B
Modbus READ v2020.2B
- Added: Device polling rate setting (seconds) (e.g. ID:POLL = 1:10 then Device ID=1 and Pollingrate=10 seconds)
- Added: Some more debug lines for value output and pollingrate (heartbeat)
Modbus READ v2020.2A
- Updated the plugin for domoticx 2020.2
- Fixed: "no data found check settings" for new DomoticZ 2020
- Fixed: default settings are now filled correctly
- Added: BOOL conversion (for read coils...not tested on hardware)
- Added: version checks and notification for needed dependancies
- Added: ability for debug yes/no (for easy troubleshooting)
- Improved: TCP IP and PORT options now merged
- Improved: option descriptions, sorted options
- Code cleanup