Welcome to DonnySwap v0.1.6.1
If using multiple Web3 Wallets such as Phantom and Metamask, disable one, or update 'Default Wallet App' setting in Phantom from 'Always Ask' to 'Metamask'
***Current features***
🔁Swap Tokens
Swap ERC-20 - ERC-20 LPs
Swap Native KRST - ERC-20 LPs
Wrap / Unwrap KRST - WKREST
Add Liquidity: Create ERC-20 - ERC-20 LPs
Create Native KRST - ERC-20 LPs
Remove Liquidity: Remove ERC-20 - ERC-20 LPs
Remove Native KRST - ERC-20 LPs
LP Token Pairs: Dynamically loads every DonnySwap LP Token pair and displays relevant information
Token Balances: Dynamically loads all Strict tokens & displays relevant information
⛓Address Converter
Convert H160 (EVM) Address to SS58 (Substrate) address for sending KRST from Substrate wallets to EVM wallets
Become a part owner of DonnySwap!
By minting a DSFO NFT you receive a proportional portion
of every trade made on the DEX
*Distributed every 4 hours*
Subject to change by governance vote in future
✅Strict Token List
Current iteration only supports MRBL, KRST, WKREST
To have your ERC-20 added, send an email to [email protected]
and submit a PR to update src/assets/tokenList.json structured as follows:
"0xDd11f4E48CE3A2B9043B2B0758ce704d3Fd191dc": {
"symbol": "WKREST",
"address": "0xDd11f4E48CE3A2B9043B2B0758ce704d3Fd191dc",
decimals": 18,
"logo": "src/assets/WKREST_logo.png" // Please use IPFS link instead
📖Open-source Contracts
Marbles (MRBL) Contract: [Subscan](https://krest.subscan.io/account/0xDd11f4E48CE3A2B9043B2B0758ce704d3Fd191dc)
Wrapped KREST (WKREST) Contract: [Subscan](https://krest.subscan.io/account/0xDd11f4E48CE3A2B9043B2B0758ce704d3Fd191dc?tab=contract)
DSFO NFT (DSFO) Contract: [Subscan](https://krest.subscan.io/account/0x83aa476fe09a925711cac050dc8320b4256b398c?tab=contract)
Backend Contracts:
UniswapV2Router02 Contract: [Subscan](https://krest.subscan.io/account/0xf441807ed1943925f6f887660c44d7eb2ecc17c2?tab=contract)
SushiSwapFactory Contract: [Subscan](https://krest.subscan.io/account/0x23aAC8C182b2C2a2387868ee98C1544bF705c097?tab=contract)
FeeManager Contract: [Subscan] (https://krest.subscan.io/account/0xdc8af65d6cdc2f6da11873be244100c0e82f64b3?tab=contract)
Front-end Github Repo: [Github](https://github.com/DonnyMarbles/DonnySwap)
Recommended H160 (EVM) Wallet: 🦊 Metamask
Recommended SS58 (Substrate) Wallet: Talisman
KREST USD Price via CoinPaprika API (Thank you CoinPaprika!!!)