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Add 2024 year (#45)
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kidchenko authored Sep 15, 2024
1 parent 1951df1 commit 28c9de0
Showing 9 changed files with 221 additions and 194 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/components/Footer.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
import { Container } from '@/components/Container'
import { Logo } from '@/components/Logo'
import { Button } from '@/components/Button'
// import { Button } from '@/components/Button'

export function Footer() {
return (
<footer className="py-16">
<Container className="flex flex-col items-center justify-between md:flex-row">
<Logo className="h-12 w-auto text-slate-900" />
<Button href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Get your tickets</Button>
{/* <Button href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Get your tickets</Button> */}
<p className="mt-6 text-base text-slate-500 md:mt-0">
.NET Conf Thailand is a free event from developers to developers. | Made with &#10084; in Bangkok
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/components/Header.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,14 +13,15 @@ export function Header() {
<div className="order-first -mx-4 flex flex-auto basis-full overflow-x-auto whitespace-nowrap border-b border-blue-600/10 py-4 font-mono text-sm text-blue-600 sm:-mx-6 lg:order-none lg:mx-0 lg:basis-auto lg:border-0 lg:py-0">
<div className="mx-auto flex items-center gap-4 px-4">
<time dateTime="2023-11-25">25 of November, 2023</time>
<time dateTime="2024-11-25">23 of November, 2024</time>
<DiamondIcon className="h-1.5 w-1.5 overflow-visible fill-current stroke-current" />
<a href='' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">SCBX NEXT TECH at Siam Paragon Fl.4 - Bangkok</a>
<span target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Bangkok</span>
{/* <a href='' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">SCBX NEXT TECH at Siam Paragon Fl.4 - Bangkok</a> */}
<div className="hidden sm:mt-10 sm:flex lg:mt-0 lg:grow lg:basis-0 lg:justify-end">
<Button href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Get your tickets</Button>
{/* <Button href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer" >Get your tickets</Button> */}
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/components/Hero.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,22 +23,22 @@ export function Hero() {
<Container className="relative">
<div className="mx-auto max-w-2xl lg:max-w-4xl lg:px-12">
<h1 className="font-display text-5xl font-bold tracking-tighter text-blue-600 sm:text-7xl">
<span className="sr-only">.NET Conf 2023 - Thailand</span>.NET Conf 2023 Thailand
<span className="sr-only">.NET Conf 2024 - Thailand</span>.NET Conf 2024 Thailand
<div className="mt-6 space-y-6 font-display text-2xl tracking-tight text-blue-900">
.NET Conf Thailand is our local <a className='text-blue-600' target='_blank' href='' rel="noreferrer">.NET Conf</a> event, an event where we will be showcasing many of the advancements and capabilities of .NET. including some of the cool technologies that were recently announced by Microsoft.
These technologies (but not limited to) include Web, Mobile Desktop, .NET Core, EF Core, C#, IoT, AI, ML, and Mobile.
<Button href="" className="mt-10 w-full sm:hidden">
<Button href="" className="mt-10 w-full sm:hidden">
Get your tickets
<dl className="mt-10 grid grid-cols-2 gap-y-6 gap-x-10 sm:mt-16 sm:gap-y-10 sm:gap-x-16 sm:text-center lg:auto-cols-auto lg:grid-flow-col lg:grid-cols-none lg:justify-start lg:text-left">
{/* <dl className="mt-10 grid grid-cols-2 gap-y-6 gap-x-10 sm:mt-16 sm:gap-y-10 sm:gap-x-16 sm:text-center lg:auto-cols-auto lg:grid-flow-col lg:grid-cols-none lg:justify-start lg:text-left">
['Speakers', '11'],
['People Attending', '150+'],
['Date', '25/11/2023 10:30 AM'],
['Date', '25/11/2024 10:30 AM'],
['Venue', 'SCBX NEXT TECH'],
['Location', 'Siam Paragon - Bangkok'],
].map(([name, value]) => (
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ export function Hero() {
</dl> */}
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/components/Logo.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ export function Logo(props) {
// d="M52 32V15.2h5.736c1.968 0 3.584.352 4.848 1.056 1.28.688 2.224 1.664 2.832 2.928.624 1.248.936 2.72.936 4.416 0 1.696-.312 3.176-.936 4.44-.608 1.248-1.552 2.224-2.832 2.928-1.264.688-2.88 1.032-4.848 1.032H52zm3.072-2.64h2.52c1.408 0 2.52-.224 3.336-.672a3.958 3.958 0 001.752-1.968c.352-.864.528-1.904.528-3.12 0-1.2-.176-2.232-.528-3.096a3.944 3.944 0 00-1.752-1.992c-.816-.464-1.928-.696-3.336-.696h-2.52V29.36zm18.263 2.928c-1.2 0-2.264-.256-3.192-.768a5.559 5.559 0 01-2.184-2.16c-.529-.928-.793-2-.793-3.216 0-1.232.257-2.328.769-3.288a5.687 5.687 0 012.16-2.232c.927-.544 2.016-.816 3.264-.816 1.168 0 2.2.256 3.096.768a5.407 5.407 0 012.088 2.112c.511.88.767 1.864.767 2.952 0 .176-.008.36-.023.552 0 .192-.009.392-.025.6h-9.047c.063.928.383 1.656.96 2.184.591.528 1.303.792 2.136.792.623 0 1.143-.136 1.56-.408.431-.288.752-.656.96-1.104h3.12a5.68 5.68 0 01-1.128 2.064 5.423 5.423 0 01-1.92 1.44c-.753.352-1.609.528-2.569.528zm.024-9.984a3.23 3.23 0 00-1.992.648c-.577.416-.945 1.056-1.105 1.92h5.928c-.047-.784-.335-1.408-.864-1.872-.527-.464-1.183-.696-1.967-.696zm12.927 9.984c-1.216 0-2.288-.264-3.216-.792a5.851 5.851 0 01-2.208-2.208c-.528-.944-.792-2.024-.792-3.24 0-1.216.264-2.296.792-3.24A5.851 5.851 0 0183.07 20.6c.928-.528 2-.792 3.216-.792 1.52 0 2.8.4 3.84 1.2 1.04.784 1.704 1.872 1.992 3.264h-3.24a2.299 2.299 0 00-.96-1.344c-.464-.336-1.016-.504-1.656-.504-.848 0-1.568.32-2.16.96-.592.64-.888 1.528-.888 2.664 0 1.136.296 2.024.888 2.664.592.64 1.312.96 0 1.192-.16 1.656-.48.48-.32.8-.776.96-1.368h3.24c-.288 1.344-.952 2.424-1.992 3.24-1.04.816-2.32 1.224-3.84 1.224zm12.903 0c-1.2 0-2.264-.256-3.192-.768a5.559 5.559 0 01-2.184-2.16c-.528-.928-.792-2-.792-3.216 0-1.232.256-2.328.768-3.288a5.687 5.687 0 012.16-2.232c.928-.544 2.016-.816 3.264-.816 1.168 0 2.2.256 3.096.768a5.407 5.407 0 012.088 2.112c.512.88.768 1.864.768 2.952 0 .176-.008.36-.024.552 0 .192-.008.392-.024.6h-9.048c.064.928.384 1.656.96 2.184.592.528 1.304.792 2.136.792.624 0 1.144-.136 1.56-.408.432-.288.752-.656.96-1.104h3.12a5.68 5.68 0 01-1.128 2.064 5.423 5.423 0 01-1.92 1.44c-.752.352-1.608.528-2.568.528zm.024-9.984a3.23 3.23 0 00-1.992.648c-.576.416-.944 1.056-1.104 1.92h5.928c-.048-.784-.336-1.408-.864-1.872-.528-.464-1.184-.696-1.968-.696zm7.096 14.976V20.096h2.736l.336 1.704c.384-.528.888-.992 1.512-1.392.64-.4 1.464-.6 2.472-.6 1.12 0 2.12.272 3 .816a5.846 5.846 0 012.088 2.232c.512.944.768 2.016.768 3.216 0 1.2-.256 2.272-.768 3.216a5.894 5.894 0 01-2.088 2.208c-.88.528-1.88.792-3 .792-.896 0-1.68-.168-2.352-.504a4.24 4.24 0 01-1.632-1.416v6.912h-3.072zm6.408-7.68c.976 0 1.784-.328 2.424-.984.64-.656.96-1.504.96-2.544s-.32-1.896-.96-2.568c-.64-.672-1.448-1.008-2.424-1.008-.992 0-1.808.336-2.448 1.008-.624.656-.936 1.504-.936 2.544s.312 1.896.936 2.568c.64.656 1.456.984 2.448.984zM125.36 32c-1.248 0-2.248-.304-3-.912-.752-.608-1.128-1.688-1.128-3.24v-5.184h-2.04v-2.568h2.04l.36-3.192h2.712v3.192h3.216v2.568h-3.216v5.208c0 .576.12.976.36 1.296.312h1.488V32h-2.088zm5.014-13.752c-.56 0-1.024-.168-1.392-.504-.352-.336-.528-.76-.528-1.272s.176-.928.528-1.248c.368-.336.832-.504 1.392-.504.56 0 1.016.168 1.368.504.368.32.552.736.552 1.248s-.184.936-.552 1.272c-.352.336-.808.504-1.368.504zM128.838 32V20.096h3.072V32h-3.072zm12.518.288c-1.696 0-3.152-.36-4.368-1.08a7.383 7.383 0 01-2.808-3.048c-.656-1.312-.984-2.824-.984-4.536 0-1.712.328-3.224.984-4.536.656-1.312 1.592-2.336 2.808-3.072 1.216-.736 2.672-1.104 4.368-1.104 2.016 0 3.664.504 4.944 1.512 1.296.992 2.104 2.392 2.424 4.2h-3.384c-.208-.912-.656-1.624-1.344-2.136-.672-.528-1.568-.792-2.688-.792-1.552 0-2.768.528-3.648 1.584-.88 1.056-1.32 2.504-1.32 4.344 0 1.84.44 3.288 1.32 4.344.88 1.04 2.096 1.56 3.648 1.56 1.12 0 2.016-.24 2.688-.72.688-.496 1.136-1.176 1.344-2.04h3.384c-.32 1.728-1.128 3.08-2.424 4.056-1.28.976-2.928 1.464-4.944 1.464zm14.287 0c-1.152 0-2.192-.264-3.12-.792a5.957 5.957 0 01-2.184-2.184c-.528-.944-.792-2.032-.792-3.264 0-1.232.272-2.312.816-3.24a5.905 5.905 0 012.184-2.208c.928-.528 1.968-.792 3.12-.792 1.136 0 2.16.264 3.072.792a5.68 5.68 0 012.184 2.208c.544.928.816 2.008.816 3.24 0 1.232-.272 2.32-.816 3.264a5.727 5.727 0 01-2.184 2.184c-.928.528-1.96.792-3.096.792zm0-2.664c.8 0 1.496-.296 2.088-.888.592-.608.888-1.504.888-2.688 0-1.184-.296-2.072-.888-2.664-.592-.608-1.28-.912-2.064-.912-.816 0-1.52.304-2.112.912-.576.592-.864 1.48-.864 2.664 0 1.184.288 2.08.864 2.688.592.592 1.288.888 2.088.888zM163.046 32V20.096h2.712l.24 2.016a4.21 4.21 0 011.584-1.68c.704-.416 1.528-.624 2.472-.624 1.472 0 2.616.464 3.432 1.392.816.928 1.224 2.288 1.224 4.08V32h-3.072v-6.432c0-1.024-.208-1.808-.624-2.352-.416-.544-1.064-.816-1.944-.816-.864 0-1.576.304-2.136.912-.544.608-.816 1.456-.816 2.544V32h-3.072zm13.714 0v-9.336h-1.632v-2.568h1.632v-1.392c0-1.44.36-2.464 1.08-3.072.736-.608 1.728-.912 2.976-.912h1.32v2.616h-.84c-.528 0-.904.104-1.128.312-.224.208-.336.56-.336 1.056v1.392h2.568v2.568h-2.568V32h-3.072z"
// />
// </svg>
<Link className="text-2xl font-extrabold text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-br from-blue-400 to-blue-600" href="/">.NET Conf 2023 - Thailand</Link>
<Link className="text-2xl font-extrabold text-transparent bg-clip-text bg-gradient-to-br from-blue-400 to-blue-600" href="/">.NET Conf 2024 - Thailand</Link>
222 changes: 111 additions & 111 deletions src/components/Schedule.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -8,119 +8,119 @@ import backgroundImage from '@/images/background.jpg'

const schedule = [
date: 'November 25',
dateTime: '2023-11-25',
date: 'November 23',
dateTime: '2024-11-23',
'After 1 year, we finally meet again in person at SCB NEXT TECH at Siam Paragon Fl.4 for the .NET Conf Thailand 2023 to celebrate the launch of .NET 8.',
'After 1 year, we finally meet again in person at SCB NEXT TECH at Siam Paragon Fl.4 for the .NET Conf Thailand 2024 to celebrate the launch of .NET 8.',
timeSlots: [
name: 'Registration and social time',
description: 'If you are an early bird',
start: '10:00 AM',
end: '10:30 AM',
name: 'Welcome to .NET Conf Thailand 2023',
description: '.NET 8 is here!',
start: '10:30 AM',
end: '10:45 AM',
name: "Modernize .NET Framework to .NET Core with the .NET Upgrade Assistant",
description: 'Veeravat Jeensuksang',
start: '10:45 AM',
end: '11:15 AM',
name: "Concurrent Hosted Service in .NET 8",
description: 'Saeed Esmaeelinejad',
start: '11:15 AM',
end: '11:45 AM',
name: "Introducing Foundational C#",
description: 'Phantip Kokilanon',
start: '11:45 AM',
end: '12:00 PM',
name: 'Lunch',
description: null,
start: '12:00 PM',
end: '13:00 PM',
name: 'Social Time',
description: null,
start: '13:00 PM',
end: '13:15 PM',
name: 'Lightning Talk',
description: 'Giorgio Desideri',
start: '13:15 PM',
end: '13:30 PM',
name: 'Event-driven .NET apps with Apache Kafka',
description: 'Vorapat Nicklamai',
start: '13:30 PM',
end: '14:00 PM',
name: '.NET Observability for Cloud-Native Application',
description: 'Chatchai Kongmanee',
start: '14:00 PM',
end: '14:30 PM',
name: 'Build your AI plugins for AI era with Semantic Kernel',
description: 'Teerasej Jiraphatchandej',
start: '14:30 PM',
end: '15:00 PM',
name: "Break",
description: null,
start: '15:00 PM',
end: '15:15 PM',
name: 'Clean Architecture with .NET and Microsoft Azuress',
description: 'Wittawat Karpkrikaew',
start: '15:15 PM',
end: '15:45 PM',
name: 'Game Development with Generative AI (Unity + DALL-E)',
description: 'Gittitat Ekchantawut',
start: '15:45 PM',
end: '16:15 PM',
name: "What's new in Entity Framework Core 8",
description: 'Theeranit Pongtongmuang',
start: '16:15 PM',
end: '16:45 PM',
name: "Auth and Identity in ASP.NET Core 8",
description: 'Nattapong Nunpan',
start: '16:45 PM',
end: '17:15 PM',
name: 'Closing + group photo',
description: "Jose Barbosa and Giorgio Desideri",
start: '17:15 PM',
end: '17:30 PM',
name: 'Social Time',
description: null,
start: '17:30 PM',
end: '18:00 PM',
// {
// name: 'Registration and social time',
// description: 'If you are an early bird',
// start: '10:00 AM',
// end: '10:30 AM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Welcome to .NET Conf Thailand 2024',
// description: '.NET 8 is here!',
// start: '10:30 AM',
// end: '10:45 AM',
// },
// {
// name: "Modernize .NET Framework to .NET Core with the .NET Upgrade Assistant",
// description: 'Veeravat Jeensuksang',
// start: '10:45 AM',
// end: '11:15 AM',
// },
// {
// name: "Concurrent Hosted Service in .NET 8",
// description: 'Saeed Esmaeelinejad',
// start: '11:15 AM',
// end: '11:45 AM',
// },
// {
// name: "Introducing Foundational C#",
// description: 'Phantip Kokilanon',
// start: '11:45 AM',
// end: '12:00 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Lunch',
// description: null,
// start: '12:00 PM',
// end: '13:00 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Social Time',
// description: null,
// start: '13:00 PM',
// end: '13:15 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Lightning Talk',
// description: 'Giorgio Desideri',
// start: '13:15 PM',
// end: '13:30 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Event-driven .NET apps with Apache Kafka',
// description: 'Vorapat Nicklamai',
// start: '13:30 PM',
// end: '14:00 PM',
// },
// {
// name: '.NET Observability for Cloud-Native Application',
// description: 'Chatchai Kongmanee',
// start: '14:00 PM',
// end: '14:30 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Build your AI plugins for AI era with Semantic Kernel',
// description: 'Teerasej Jiraphatchandej',
// start: '14:30 PM',
// end: '15:00 PM',
// },
// {
// name: "Break",
// description: null,
// start: '15:00 PM',
// end: '15:15 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Clean Architecture with .NET and Microsoft Azuress',
// description: 'Wittawat Karpkrikaew',
// start: '15:15 PM',
// end: '15:45 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Game Development with Generative AI (Unity + DALL-E)',
// description: 'Gittitat Ekchantawut',
// start: '15:45 PM',
// end: '16:15 PM',
// },
// {
// name: "What's new in Entity Framework Core 8",
// description: 'Theeranit Pongtongmuang',
// start: '16:15 PM',
// end: '16:45 PM',
// },
// {
// name: "Auth and Identity in ASP.NET Core 8",
// description: 'Nattapong Nunpan',
// start: '16:45 PM',
// end: '17:15 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Closing + group photo',
// description: "Jose Barbosa and Giorgio Desideri",
// start: '17:15 PM',
// end: '17:30 PM',
// },
// {
// name: 'Social Time',
// description: null,
// start: '17:30 PM',
// end: '18:00 PM',
// },
153 changes: 88 additions & 65 deletions src/components/Speakers.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import { useEffect, useId, useState } from 'react'
import Image from 'next/image'
import { Tab } from '@headlessui/react'
import { Button } from '@/components/Button'
import clsx from 'clsx'

import { Container } from '@/components/Container'
@@ -24,75 +25,96 @@ import tbaImage from '@/images/speakers/tba.svg'
const days = [
name: 'Conference Day',
date: 'November 25',
dateTime: '2023-11-25',
date: 'November 23',
dateTime: '2024-11-23',
speakers: [
name: 'Veeravat Jeensuksang',
role: 'Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft Thailand',
image: veeravatImage,
name: 'Saeed Esmaeelinejad',
role: 'Senior Software Engineer @ Seven Peaks | .NET Enthusiast | 📒 Love to learn',
image: saeedImage,
name: 'Phantip Kokilanon',
role: 'Community Manager at Spark Tech Thailand',
image: phantipImage,
name: 'Vorapat (Guide) Nicklamai',
role: 'Account Solution Architect at Red Hat Thailand',
image: vorapatImage,
name: 'Chatchai Kongmanee',
role: 'Specialist Solution Architect at Red Hat Thailand',
image: chatchaiImage,
name: 'Wittawat Karpkrikaew',
role: 'Microsoft MVP Azure | Microsoft Fanboy | ASP.NET is my life | Long-Term Remote Work',
image: wittawatImage,
name: 'Teerasej Jiraphatchandej',
role: 'Microsoft AI MVP',
image: teerasej,
name: 'Theeranit Pongtongmuang',
role: 'Codesanook and .NET Thailand Admin',
image: aaronImage,
// {
// name: 'Veeravat Jeensuksang',
// role: 'Customer Success Account Manager at Microsoft Thailand',
// image: veeravatImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Saeed Esmaeelinejad',
// role: 'Senior Software Engineer @ Seven Peaks | .NET Enthusiast | 📒 Love to learn',
// image: saeedImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Phantip Kokilanon',
// role: 'Community Manager at Spark Tech Thailand',
// image: phantipImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Vorapat (Guide) Nicklamai',
// role: 'Account Solution Architect at Red Hat Thailand',
// image: vorapatImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Chatchai Kongmanee',
// role: 'Specialist Solution Architect at Red Hat Thailand',
// image: chatchaiImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Wittawat Karpkrikaew',
// role: 'Microsoft MVP Azure | Microsoft Fanboy | ASP.NET is my life | Long-Term Remote Work',
// image: wittawatImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Teerasej Jiraphatchandej',
// role: 'Microsoft AI MVP',
// image: teerasej,
// },
// {
// name: 'Theeranit Pongtongmuang',
// role: 'Codesanook and .NET Thailand Admin',
// image: aaronImage,
// },

// {
// name: 'Gittitat Ekchantawut',
// role: 'Technical Specialist at MOHARA',
// image: gittitatImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Nattapong Nunpan',
// role: 'Software Engineer Consultant at United Nations',
// image: nok,
// },
// {
// name: 'Jose Barbosa',
// role: 'Head of Backend Engineering at Seven Peaks Software',
// image: joseImage,
// },
// {
// name: 'Giorgio Desideri',
// role: 'Tech Principal Cloud Solution at Seven Peaks Software',
// image: giorgioImage2,
// },
name: 'Gittitat Ekchantawut',
role: 'Technical Specialist at MOHARA',
image: gittitatImage,
name: 'Nattapong Nunpan',
role: 'Software Engineer Consultant at United Nations',
image: nok,
name: 'Jose Barbosa',
role: 'Head of Backend Engineering at Seven Peaks Software',
image: joseImage,
name: 'To be announced',
role: '',
image: tbaImage,
name: 'Giorgio Desideri',
role: 'Tech Principal Cloud Solution at Seven Peaks Software',
image: giorgioImage2,
name: 'To be announced',
role: '',
image: tbaImage,
name: 'To be announced',
role: '',
image: tbaImage,
name: 'To be announced',
role: '',
image: tbaImage,
name: 'To be announced',
role: '',
image: tbaImage,
name: 'To be announced',
role: '',
image: tbaImage,
// {
// name: 'To be announced',
// role: '',
// image: tbaImage,
// }
@@ -250,8 +272,9 @@ export function Speakers() {
Want to be a speaker?
<p className="mt-4 font-display text-lg tracking-tight text-blue-900">
Are you interested to join .NET Conf Thailand 2023 as speaker?
<a className='text-blue-600' href='' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Please submit our speakers form.</a>
Are you interested to be speaker a .NET Conf Thailand 2024? Please submit the speaker form.
{/* <Button target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Speaker Form.</Button> */}
{/* <Button href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Speaker Form.</Button> */}
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/components/Sponsors.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -4,16 +4,18 @@ import { Container } from '@/components/Container'
import logoRedHat from '@/images/logos/redhat1.png'
import logoGummyBear from '@/images/logos/gummybear.png'
import logoMicrosoft from '@/images/logos/microsoft.png'
import logoJetBrains from '@/images/logos/jetbrains.png'
import logoTtSoftware from '@/images/logos/ttsoftware.png'
import logoSevenPeaks from '@/images/logos/sevenpeaks.png'

const sponsors = [
// { name: 'Seven Peaks', logo: sevenPeaks },
{ name: 'Microsoft', logo: logoMicrosoft },
{ name: 'Red Hat', logo: logoRedHat },
{ name: 'JetBrains', logo: logoJetBrains },
// { name: 'Red Hat', logo: logoRedHat },
{ name: 'Seven Peaks Software', logo: logoSevenPeaks },
{ name: 'TT Software', logo: logoTtSoftware },
{ name: 'Gummy Bear', logo: logoGummyBear },
// { name: 'TT Software', logo: logoTtSoftware },
// { name: 'Gummy Bear', logo: logoGummyBear },
// { name: 'Mirage', logo: logoMirage },
// { name: 'Laravel', logo: logoLaravel },
// { name: 'Statamic', logo: logoStatamic },
@@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ export function Sponsors() {
Want to be a sponsor?
<p className="mt-4 font-display text-center text-xl tracking-tight text-blue-900">
<a className='text-blue-600' href='' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Click to view our Sponsorship Proposal.</a>
<span className='text-blue-600' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> View our Sponsorship Proposal.</span>
{/* <a className='text-blue-600' href='' target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Click to view our Sponsorship Proposal.</a> */}
Binary file added src/images/logos/jetbrains.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/pages/index.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ export default function Home() {
return (
<title>.NET Conf 2023 - Thailand</title>
<title>.NET Conf 2024 - Thailand</title>
<meta name="description"
content=".NET Conf Thailand - Learn about DevOps, Cloud and .NET" />
<meta name="keywords" content="dotnet, .NET, conference, Thailand" />
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ export default function Home() {
<Hero />
<Speakers />
<Schedule />
<Venue />
{/* <Schedule /> */}
{/* <Venue /> */}
<Sponsors />
{/* <Newsletter /> */}

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