This plugin gives you a fast, programmable way to store and reproduce editors layout, just like you would with built-in sessions.
I really built the plugin out of my own necessities, for getting comfortable with luals annotations, and because I rather have the layout stored in an easy-to-read format, feel free to provide suggestions and/or open pull requests.
- Replace current layout, closing all windows, or enjoy your own matrioska of an editor.
- Store and customize custom callbacks for special buffers.
- Switch in between layouts by binding them to keybindings
- No setup required, you decide if and when to load the plugin.
- Store custom layouts directly in the plugin configuration at
, thus apply them viaPragma apply <name>
- Given the current layout, automagically provide its pragma counterpart
- Add handling for more special buffers
- Add more actions
- Read/Import layout from json/toml
- More default layouts
- More Pragma actions
- Define one or more layout cycles (e.g.
[fakezen, vvh, vv]
), which provides a better solution when the user cannot decide which layout is the better one
- Define one or more layout cycles (e.g.
Default setup with lazy.nvim (opts is not required, but it is present nonetheless as you may want to change it)
return {
cmd = { 'Pragma' },
opts = {
register_command = true,
action = {
buffer = {
special = {
['nvimtree'] = function(winid)
local ntapi = require('nvim-tree.api')
ntapi.tree.close_in_all_tabs() { winid = winid }
return true
['vuffers'] = function(winid)
local vuffers = require('vuffers')
vuffers.close() { win = winid }
return true
['doing_tasks'] = function(winid)
local path = require('doing.state').state.tasks.file
local buf = vim.fn.bufadd(path)
-- Load buffer and run FileType autocmd
vim.api.nvim_set_option_value("filetype", "doing_tasks", { buf = buf })
vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("FileType", { buffer = buf })
vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(winid, buf)
return true
layouts = {
['fakezen'] = function()
return require('pragma.pragma-builder').new({ 'fakezen' })
:winonly { }
:subdivide { select = false, alias = 'left', direction = "left", width = 0.15, winopts = {
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
statuscolumn = ""
:subdivide { select = false, alias = 'right', direction = "right", width = 0.15, winopts = {
number = false,
relativenumber = false,
statuscolumn = ""
:buffer { strategy = "scratch", winalias = 'left', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "scratch", winalias = 'right', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "lastbuffer", winalias = 'root' }
['vhh'] = function()
return require('pragma.pragma-builder').new({ 'vhh' })
:winonly { }
:subdivide { direction = "below", height = 0.33 }
:subdivide { direction = "left", width = 0.4 }
:focus { alias = 'root' }
['vvvh-nvimtree-tasks-vuffer'] = function()
return require('pragma.pragma-builder').new({ 'vvh-nvimtree-vuffer-lastused' })
:winonly { }
:subdivide { direction = "left", alias = 'nvimtree', width = 40 }
:subdivide { direction = "below", alias = 'doing_tasks', height = 0.60, winopts = {
number = true,
relativenumber = false,
wrap = true,
statuscolumn = ""
:subdivide { direction = "below", alias = 'vuffers', height = 0.5, winopts = {
number = true,
relativenumber = false,
statuscolumn = "%{str2nr(line('$'))-v:lnum+1}"
:buffer { strategy = "special", name = 'nvimtree', winalias = 'nvimtree', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "special", name = 'vuffers', winalias = 'vuffers', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "special", name = 'doing_tasks', winalias = 'doing_tasks', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "lastbuffer", winalias = 'root' }
:focus { alias = 'root' }
['vvh-nvimtree-vuffer'] = function()
return require('pragma.pragma-builder').new({ 'vvh-nvimtree-vuffer-lastused' })
:winonly { }
:subdivide { direction = "left", alias = 'nvimtree', width = 40 }
:subdivide { direction = "below", alias = 'vuffers', height = 0.35, winopts = {
number = true,
relativenumber = false,
wrap = true,
statuscolumn = ""
:buffer { strategy = "special", name = 'nvimtree', winalias = 'nvimtree', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "special", name = 'vuffers', winalias = 'vuffers', winfixbuf = true }
:buffer { strategy = "lastbuffer", winalias = 'root' }
:focus { alias = 'root' }