BonsaiApp is a Zen-like Angular Modular BaseApp with a Modern, & Elegant UI built with HTML 5, & SCSS for Rapid Application Development.
The Seed Edition is a bare minimum baseApp that utilizes only the BonsaiUI Grid System, Angular Routing, and a highly organized folder structure.
All the things you need to quickly get started building your Angular application.
BonsaiApp is preconfigured to start developing your app using SCSS, BOWER, and GULP.
Simply download BonsaiApp from our GitHub page, or within your terminal run the command:
$ git clone
After you have downloaded, or cloned the BonsaiApp repo you will need to gather the needed node modules, and dependencies to run your new application and development environment.
The first step is to navigate to your newly downloaded repo in terminal, and run the command.
$ npm install
This will grab all the necessary node modules needed to run your project.
Now that all of BonsaiApp's dependencies have all been downloaded, you are ready to start creating your own custom App.
Just open the index.html file in the root of BonsaiApp to start creating your own Angular App.
That's all Folks I hope BonsaiApp becomes a helpful tool in your arsenal for creating amazing things for the web.