This plugin allows for viewing and ingame management of playlists as well as the ability to download missing songs, just like the pre-1.6.0 days :)
- View playlists ingame (R.I.P. PlaylistLoaderLite)
- Refresh playlists and custom songs
- Create playlists
- Add custom songs and OST songs to playlists
- Remove songs from playlists
- Delete playlists
- Download missing songs in playlists
For scrolling through the playlists in the UI, you need to fix controller bindings to scroll as it requires the thumbstick. Look at this tutorial here (Credits: Toni Macaroni)
Download the latest version of the mod (v0.1.1) here To install, move the 2 folders (Libs and Plugins) to your Beat Saber folder BSML, SongCore, BeatSaverSharp and SiraUtil are required for this mod, so please download the latest version from ModAssistant BeatSaberPlaylistsLib is also required and will be coming to ModAssistant, however the current release comes with this Library.
If you encounter any issues with this mod, PM me on Discord PixelBoom#0001 or file an Issue on GitHub and I'll fix it as soon as I can For support with the mod, DM me or @ me on the #pc-mod-support channel on the BSMG discord
If you're a developer and would like to contribute to this mod, your contributions are welcome! Just submit a PR and I will take a look at it.
Huge thanks for both Auros and Zingabopp for their co-operation as well as their contribution to this mod. Auros helped me do a full plugin rewrite with Zenject, allowing for a more optimized mod and Zingabopp created the BeatSaberPlaylistsLib library, which is what I depend on with this mod.