Small Visual Bug Fixes in VAB/SPH
v0.9.2 Just Small Visual Bug Fixes
- The laser beam lines now properly disappear when you remove symmetry parts in the VAB or SPH.
- Parts now render with color in the VAB/SPH parts bin. Appearently even if all you want is a simple flat monocolor shader, you sti
ll need to use a texture image file for it in the way KSP works. For example, to make a simple bland flat surface in color RGB(1,0,
0), you'd have to do it by making a small image file consisting of 1 single pixel in color RGB(1,0,0), and using that in a texture.
Apparently the only shader effects that KSP enables when rendering the part icons is the texture image mapper. All other aspects o
f shaders besides that one feature are turned off in the icon view, even for the shaders that come from KSP itself in PartTools.