- Convolution
- ChannelwiseConvolution
- BatchNorm
- Activation
- ElementWiseSum
- _Plus
- Concat
- Crop
- Pooling
- Flatten
- FullyConnected
- SoftmaxOutput&SoftmaxFocalOutput
- SoftmaxActivation
- LeakyReLU
- elemwise_add
- UpSampling
- Deconvolution
- Clip
- Reshape
- Mxnet-SSH
- MobileNet-V2
- Resnet-50
- RetinaFace with ( Resnet-50 ,Mobilenet 0.25 backbone)
- All models from Insightface Model Zoo .
The convertor Is not fully automatically, The convertor not
- if you wanna convert upsampling operator , the convertor will convert Upsampling operator to Deconvolution in Caffe , The Deconvolution channels need to be set (in prototxt_basic.py names_output).
- If you use Flatten Layer ,You need to manually to connect them becasuse the converted compute graph will be divided into two parts.
- If convert a detection model. You need to remove the anchor process and put it into post process.
- Usually,If you find that conversion errors, please set the prefix name of you backbone network in mxnet2caffe.py.