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Stephan Meissl edited this page Oct 25, 2013 · 1 revision

Browse Ingestion


"exceptionMessage": Description Variable content is given in upper case and between < and > e.g. <FILENAME>


"Method '<METHOD>' is not allowed, use 'POST' only.": Wrong request method e.g. GET was used.


"Could not parse request XML. Error was: 'Document is empty, line 1, column 1'.": The request does not incluse any POST data. "Could not parse request XML. Error was: 'Start tag expected, '<' not found, line 1, column 1'.": The request does not include a valid XML file. "Invalid root tag '<ELEMENTNAME>'. Expected one of '('{}ingestBrowse', '{}browseReport')'.": The root element of the request is not one of the expected ones. "Could not find required element <ELEMENTNAME>.": A required element was not found in the request. "Could not find required elements <ELEMENTNAME>.": Required elements were not found in the request. "Found unexpected number (<NUMBER>) of elements <ELEMENTNAME>. Expected <NUMBER>.": An unexpected number of elements was found in the request. "Expected at most one element of <ELEMENTNAME>.": Too many elements were found in the request. "Missing geo-spatial reference type.": A browse without geo-spatial information was found in the request.


"Browse Identifier '<IDENTIFIER>' not valid: 'This field must contain a valid Name i.e. beginning with a letter, an underscore, or a colon, and continuing with letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, colons, or full stops.'.": A browse identifier provided in the browse report does not validate e.g. starts with a digit. "{'all': [u'Start time may not be more recent than end time.']}": The start time of a browse is more recent than the end time. "[u'Filenames must only contain letters, digits, hyphens, underscores, colons, slashes, or full stops.']": An invalid filename was found.

only internal! never reached during normal ingestion: "Reference system identifier must be 'RAW' or follow the pattern 'EPSG:<CODE>.": An invalid reference system identifier was found.


"Browse layer with browse type '<BROWSETYPE>' does not exist.": The given browse layer was not found in the browse server. "Input file '<FILENAME>' does not exist.": Filename provided in browse report points to a non existent browse image. "Input path '<FILENAME>' points to an invalid location.": Filename provided in browse report does not point to a valid browse image. "The last value of the footprint is not equal to the first.": Footprint polygon is not closed. "Given referenceSystemIdentifier '<ID>' not valid.": Invalid reference system identifier was found. "Given referenceSystemIdentifier 'RAW' not valid for a 'footprintBrowse'.": Reference system identifier for footprintBrowe must not be "RAW". "Output file '<FILENAME>' already exists and is not to be replaced.": Raised when an optimized file with the same name as the one to be ingested already exists in the browse layer. "Existing browse with same start and end time does not have the same browse ID as the one to ingest.": An existing browse with the same timestamps but different ID was found. "Could not find a valid transform method.": It's not possible to georeference the browse image using the provided information. "Invalid regularGrid: number of coordinate lists is not equal to the given row node number.": Invalid regularGrid browse was found. "Invalid regularGrid: number of coordinates does not fit given columns number.": Invalid regularGrid browse was found.

only internal! never reached during normal ingestion: "Processed browse image has <NUMBER> bands.": Wrong number of bands in processed browse image was found.


"Invalid grid '<GRID>'.": Invalid grid used in seeding step. "'<SEED-COMMAND>' failed. Returncode '<CODE>'.": Seeding failed.


only internal! never reached during normal ingestion: "Invalid geo-reference type '<TYPE>'.": An unknown geo-reference was found.

Configuration Change

"Highest map level number must be greater than lowest map level number.": Highest map level is lower than lowest one.