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PR: Irreducible solve hints and print hint
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This PR introduces two new features:

- Irreducible hints:
This features allows the introduction of the "irreducible" keyword
between "hint" and "exact" or "solve" (e.g. "hint irreducible exact") in
order to disable reduction of the hinted expression when auto-solving

- Print hint:
This introduces the following commands:
"print hint" - prints all hints in the current scope
"print hint simplify" - same but only for simplify hints
"print hint solve" - same but only for solve hints
"print hint rewrite" - same but only for rewrite hints
  • Loading branch information
Gustavo2622 committed Jan 10, 2025
1 parent 9eaff01 commit 59acb83
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions easycrypt.project
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provers = [email protected]
provers = [email protected]
provers = [email protected]

rdirs = Jasmin:../jasmin/eclib
163 changes: 107 additions & 56 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -298,75 +298,125 @@ let process_print_ax (scope : EcScope.scope) =
let env = EcScope.env scope in
let ax = EcEnv.Ax.all ~check:(fun _ ax -> EcDecl.is_axiom ax.ax_kind) env in

let module Trie : sig
type ('a, 'b) t

val empty : ('a, 'b) t
val add : 'a list -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('a, 'b) t
val iter : ('a list -> 'b list -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) t -> unit
end = struct
module Map = BatMap

type ('a, 'b) t =
{ children : ('a, ('a, 'b) t) Map.t
; value : 'b list }

let empty : ('a, 'b) t =
{ value = []; children = Map.empty; }

let add (path : 'a list) (value : 'b) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
let rec doit (path : 'a list) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
match path with
| [] ->
{ t with value = value :: t.value }
| v :: path ->
let children =
t.children |> Map.update_stdlib v (fun children ->
let subtrie = Option.value ~default:empty children in
Some (doit path subtrie)
in { t with children }
in doit path t

let iter (f : 'a list -> 'b list -> unit) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
let rec doit (prefix : 'a list) (t : ('a, 'b) t) =
if not (List.is_empty t.value) then
f prefix t.value;
Map.iter (fun k v -> doit (k :: prefix) v) t.children

doit [] t
end in
let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in

let ax =
List.fold_left (fun axs ((p, _) as ax) ->
Trie.add (EcPath.tolist (oget (EcPath.prefix p))) ax axs
) Trie.empty ax in
EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe0 (EcPrinting.pp_axiom) fmt ax;

EcScope.notify scope `Warning "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
let process_print_hint_solve (scope : EcScope.scope) =
let env = EcScope.env scope in
let hint_solve = EcEnv.Auto.all env in
let hint_solve = (fun (ir, p) -> (p, (EcEnv.Ax.by_path p env, ir))) hint_solve in

let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in

Trie.iter (fun prefix axs ->
let thpath =
match prefix with
| [] -> assert false
| name :: prefix -> (List.rev prefix, name) in
let pp_hint_solve ppe fmt = (fun (p, (hint_solve, ir)) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a%s" (EcPrinting.pp_axiom ppe) (p, hint_solve)
(if ir then " (irreducible)" else " (reducible)")

EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe0 pp_hint_solve fmt hint_solve;

let thpath = EcPath.fromqsymbol thpath in
EcScope.notify scope `Warning "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)

let ppe = EcPrinting.PPEnv.enter_theory ppe0 thpath in
let process_print_hint_rewrite (scope : EcScope.scope) =
let env = EcScope.env scope in
let hint_rewrite = EcEnv.BaseRw.all env in

let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in

Format.fprintf fmt
"@.========== %a ==========@.@." (EcPrinting.pp_thname ppe0) thpath;
let pp_hint_rewrite _ppe fmt = (fun (p, sp) ->
let elems = EcPath.Sp.ntr_elements sp in
if List.is_empty elems then
Format.fprintf fmt "%s (empty)@." (EcPath.tostring p)
Format.fprintf fmt "%s = @.@[<b 2>%a@]@." (EcPath.tostring p)
(EcPrinting.pp_list "@." (fun fmt p ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (EcPath.tostring p)))
(EcPath.Sp.ntr_elements sp)

EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe0 pp_hint_rewrite fmt hint_rewrite;

List.iter (fun ax ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%a@." (EcPrinting.pp_axiom ppe) ax
) axs
) ax;
EcScope.notify scope `Warning "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)

let process_print_hint_simplify (scope : EcScope.scope) =
let env = EcScope.env scope in
let open EcTheory in
let (hint_simplify: (EcEnv.Reduction.topsym * rule list) list) = EcEnv.Reduction.all env in
let hint_simplify = List.filter_map (fun (ts, rl) ->
match ts with
| `Path p -> Some (p, rl)
| _ -> None
) hint_simplify

let ppe0 = EcPrinting.PPEnv.ofenv env in
let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
let fmt = Format.formatter_of_buffer buffer in

let rec pp_rule_pattern ppe fmt (rl_pt: rule_pattern) =
match rl_pt with
| Rule (trp, rp_list) -> pp_rule ppe fmt trp rp_list
| Int z -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (EcBigInt.to_string z)
| Var v -> Format.fprintf fmt "%s" ( v)

and pp_rule_patterns ppe fmt (rl_pts: rule_pattern list) =
match rl_pts with
| [] -> ()
| rl_pts -> Format.fprintf fmt "(%a)" (EcPrinting.pp_list "," (pp_rule_pattern ppe)) rl_pts

and pp_rule ppe fmt trp rl_pts =
match trp with
| `Tuple -> Format.fprintf fmt "tuple%a" (pp_rule_patterns ppe) rl_pts
| `Op (p, _) -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a%a" (EcPrinting.pp_opname ppe) p (pp_rule_patterns ppe) rl_pts
| `Proj i -> if List.is_empty rl_pts then () else
Format.fprintf fmt "%a`%d" (pp_rule_patterns ppe) rl_pts i

let pp_hint_simplify ppe fmt = (fun (p, (rls : rule list)) ->
Format.fprintf fmt "%s:@.@[<b 2>%a@]" (EcPath.tostring p)
(EcPrinting.pp_list "@." (fun fmt rl ->
Format.fprintf fmt "Conditions: %[email protected]: %[email protected]: %a@."
(EcPrinting.pp_list "," (EcPrinting.pp_form ppe)) rl.rl_cond
(EcPrinting.pp_form ppe) rl.rl_tg
(pp_rule_pattern ppe) rl.rl_ptn

EcPrinting.pp_by_theory ppe0 pp_hint_simplify fmt hint_simplify;

EcScope.notify scope `Warning "%s" (Buffer.contents buffer)

let process_print_hint (scope: EcScope.scope) (ph: pprinthint) =
if ph.solve then begin
EcScope.notify scope `Warning "Solve hints:@.";
process_print_hint_solve scope
end else ();

if ph.simplify then begin
EcScope.notify scope `Warning "Simplify hints:@.";
process_print_hint_simplify scope
end else ();

if ph.rewrite then begin
EcScope.notify scope `Warning "Rewrite hints:@.";
process_print_hint_rewrite scope
end else ()

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
exception Pragma of [`Reset | `Restart]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -735,6 +785,7 @@ and process (ld : Loader.loader) (scope : EcScope.scope) g =
| GsctClose name -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_sct_close scope name)
| Gprint p -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_print scope p; scope)
| Gpaxiom -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_print_ax scope; scope)
| Gphint ph -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_print_hint scope ph; scope)
| Gsearch qs -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_search scope qs; scope)
| Glocate x -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_locate scope x; scope)
| Gtactics t -> `Fct (fun scope -> process_tactics scope t)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ module type PrinterAPI = sig
val pp_axname : PPEnv.t -> path pp
val pp_tcname : PPEnv.t -> path pp
val pp_thname : PPEnv.t -> path pp
(* FIXME: where should this go? *)
val pp_by_theory : PPEnv.t -> (PPEnv.t -> (EcPath.path * 'a) pp) -> ((EcPath.path * 'a) list) pp

val pp_mem : PPEnv.t -> EcIdent.t pp
val pp_memtype : PPEnv.t -> EcMemory.memtype pp
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53 changes: 35 additions & 18 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ type preenv = {
env_tci : ((ty_params * ty) * tcinstance) list;
env_tc : TC.graph;
env_rwbase : Sp.t Mip.t;
env_atbase : (path list Mint.t) Msym.t;
env_atbase : (bool * path) list Mint.t Msym.t; (* maybe rename to atbases? *)
env_redbase : mredinfo;
env_ntbase : ntbase Mop.t;
env_modlcs : Sid.t; (* declared modules *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,6 +221,7 @@ and env_notation = ty_params * EcDecl.notation

and ntbase = (path * env_notation) list

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type env = preenv

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1444,6 +1445,13 @@ module BaseRw = struct
(omap (fun s -> List.fold_left (fun s r -> Sp.add r s) s l))
(IPPath p) env.env_rwbase;
env_item = mkitem import (Th_addrw (p, l, lc)) :: env.env_item; }
let all env =
List.filter_map (fun (ip, sp) ->
match ip with
| IPPath p -> Some (p, sp)
| _ -> None) @@
Mip.bindings env.env_rwbase
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1496,45 +1504,51 @@ module Reduction = struct
Mrd.find_opt p env.env_redbase
|> omap (fun x -> Lazy.force x.ri_list)
|> odfl []
(* FIXME: handle other cases, right now only used for print hint *)
let all env = (fun (ts, mr) ->
(ts, Lazy.force mr.ri_list))
(Mrd.bindings env.env_redbase)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Auto = struct
let dname : symbol = ""
let updatedb ~level ?base (ps : path list) (db : (path list Mint.t) Msym.t) =
let updatedb ~level ?base (ps : (bool * path) list) (db : (bool * path) list Mint.t Msym.t) =
let nbase = (odfl dname base) in
let ps' = Msym.find_def Mint.empty nbase db in
let ps' =
let base = Msym.find_def Mint.empty nbase db in
let levels =
let doit x = Some (ofold (fun x ps -> ps @ x) ps x) in
Mint.change doit level ps' in
Msym.add nbase ps' db
Mint.change doit level base in
Msym.add nbase levels db
let add ?(import = import0) ~level ?base (ps : path list) lc (env : env) =
let add ?(import = import0) ~level ?base (axioms : (bool * path) list) locality (env : env) =
let env =
if import.im_immediate then
{ env with
env_atbase = updatedb ?base ~level ps env.env_atbase; }
env_atbase = updatedb ?base ~level axioms env.env_atbase; }
else env
{ env with env_item = mkitem import
(Th_auto (level, base, ps, lc)) :: env.env_item; }
(Th_auto {level; base; axioms; locality}) :: env.env_item; }
let add1 ?import ~level ?base (p : path) lc (env : env) =
let add1 ?import ~level ?base (p : (bool * path)) lc (env : env) =
add ?import ?base ~level [p] lc env
let get_core ?base (env : env) =
Msym.find_def Mint.empty (odfl dname base) env.env_atbase
let flatten_db (db : path list Mint.t) =
let flatten_db (db : (bool * path) list Mint.t) =
Mint.fold_left (fun ps _ ps' -> ps @ ps') [] db
let get ?base (env : env) =
flatten_db (get_core ?base env)
let getall (bases : symbol list) (env : env) =
let getall (bases : symbol list) (env : env) : (bool * path) list =
let dbs = (fun base -> get_core ~base env) bases in
let dbs =
let dbs =
List.fold_left (fun db mi ->
Mint.union (fun _ sp1 sp2 -> Some (sp1 @ sp2)) db mi)
Mint.empty dbs
Expand All @@ -1543,6 +1557,9 @@ module Auto = struct
let getx (base : symbol) (env : env) =
let db = Msym.find_def Mint.empty base env.env_atbase in
Mint.bindings db
let all (env : env) : (bool * path) list =
Msym.values env.env_atbase |> flatten_db |> List.flatten
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2932,8 +2949,8 @@ module Theory = struct
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
let bind_at_th =
let for1 _path db = function
| Th_auto (level, base, ps, _) ->
Some (Auto.updatedb ?base ~level ps db)
| Th_auto {level; base; axioms; _} ->
Some (Auto.updatedb ?base ~level axioms db)
| _ -> None
in bind_base_th for1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3106,9 +3123,9 @@ module Theory = struct
let ps = List.filter ((not) |- inclear |- oget |- EcPath.prefix) ps in
if List.is_empty ps then None else Some (Th_addrw (p, ps,lc))
| Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc) ->
let ps = List.filter ((not) |- inclear |- oget |- EcPath.prefix) ps in
if List.is_empty ps then None else Some (Th_auto (lvl, base, ps, lc))
| Th_auto ({axioms} as auto_rl) ->
let axioms = List.filter (fun (_b, p) -> ((not) |- inclear |- oget |- EcPath.prefix) p) axioms in
if List.is_empty axioms then None else Some (Th_auto {auto_rl with axioms})
| (Th_export (p, _)) as item ->
if Sp.mem p cleared then None else Some item
Expand Down
15 changes: 10 additions & 5 deletions src/ecEnv.mli
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Expand Up @@ -398,6 +398,8 @@ module BaseRw : sig

val add : ?import:import -> symbol -> is_local -> env -> env
val addto : ?import:import -> path -> path list -> is_local -> env -> env

val all : env -> (path * Sp.t) list

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Expand All @@ -408,16 +410,19 @@ module Reduction : sig
val add1 : path * rule_option * rule option -> env -> env
val add : ?import:import -> (path * rule_option * rule option) list -> env -> env
val get : topsym -> env -> rule list

val all : env -> (topsym * rule list) list

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module Auto : sig
val dname : symbol
val add1 : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> path -> is_local -> env -> env
val add : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> path list -> is_local -> env -> env
val get : ?base:symbol -> env -> path list
val getall : symbol list -> env -> path list
val getx : symbol -> env -> (int * path list) list
val add1 : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> (bool * path) -> is_local -> env -> env
val add : ?import:import -> level:int -> ?base:symbol -> (bool * path) list -> is_local -> env -> env
val get : ?base:symbol -> env -> (bool * path) list
val getall : symbol list -> env -> (bool * path) list
val getx : symbol -> env -> (int * (bool * path) list) list
val all : env -> (bool * path) list

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ecLexer.mll
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
"local" , LOCAL ; (* KW: global *)
"declare" , DECLARE ; (* KW: global *)
"hint" , HINT ; (* KW: global *)
"irreducible" , IRREDUCIBLE; (* KW: global *)
"module" , MODULE ; (* KW: global *)
"of" , OF ; (* KW: global *)
"const" , CONST ; (* KW: global *)
Expand Down

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