This is a Django-based API designed for invoice generation as part of the Kudizy interview process
- Python version: 3.11.9
- Clone the project:
git clone [email protected]:Eddy-123/invoice-api.git
cd invoice-api
- Create a virtual environment and activate the virtual environment:
python -m venv .invoice
source .invoice/bin/activate
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env
Adapt the environment variables to your local settings
Run the tests from the root folder of the project
- Apply migrations
python migrate
- Run the backend
python runserver
- The backend should be running at
- For each new feature, a TDD approach is adopted
- The branch feature/feature-name is used to write the code dedicated to feature-name
- The branch test/feature-name is used to write the tests dedicated to feature-name
- Both the test branch and the feature branch are merged in develop to test the feature
- If an invoice number is empty in the file, a new invoice is created for this specific article
- If specified, an invoice number should take the following into consideration
- An empty invoice number is converted to 'nan' in the database
- A 'nan' invoice number is converted to 'nan' in the database
- In order to avoid misconception related to the two precedent cases, a suitable invoice number format should be adopted by the business
- The swagger documentation is available at:
- An example of the format of csv and excel files are included at invoices/files/
- The backend is deployed on Railway with a separate database in another service on the same platform
- The swagger documentation is available at