By Eduardo Machado Martins and Pedro Machado Dorneles
This project is a mini game about a zombie attack: "In the distant future, humanity faces a global disaster. The zombie apocalypse has come true. To fight back, a group of developers created a combat simulation. Your goal in this simulation is to use a configuration that uses the least amount of resources to finish off as many monsters as possible. Each character has its own characteristics as follows. The dumb does not move, but with his desperation he manages to take 25 energy points from the enemy. The healer can move up to two spaces and heals infected humans. The soldier moves one space at a time and with his weapon takes 75 energy points from the enemy. The normal zombie walks one house at a time and infects humans, as does the runner, but this walks up to two houses. When infected, the human loses 20 energy points per round. All characters have 100 energy points, except the zombie which has 150. Save your resources, good luck.".
This application uses Java, JavaFX and Maven.
The following command compiles and runs the application, the rest is user-friendly.
mvn compile javafx:run