You can install REL via its GitHub page. Installing it using the second option, installation from source code is recommended. Then you should download the required data, for the experiments we have used the 2014 wiki database.
Even though REL is installed, you need an API. In the REL repository, it is also explained. A python script namely is created for this purpose. It is not used in the experiments, but it is a crucial step to be sure that you have installed REL correctly. If you look at the script, it has two functions. The first one is for preprocessing, where an example input is given. The second function is for the entity linking operation. There are some important parameters you should be careful about.
The first one is the wiki version, we have used wiki_2014 but you can change it to wiki_2019 (if you have installed the data) or your own data. The second one is base_url. This is the location of your data, especially the location of the folders wiki_2014, generic, and ed-wiki-2014. The third one is config. For the model path, you should enter the path for the model in wiki_2014. Alternatively again you can use your own model following the tutorial on the REL page.
After you set up the API, you can run it and see if it works. If it works, now you can adapt REL for the experiments.
REL is installed as a python package. Some files must be changed / or replaced. The first file is It is located in the folder db. You can either change it by yourself or replace the file with the code in The same process must be applied to, located in the folder db. It may be changed with the code in
DuckDB needs a proper DuckDB database, hence you should create a new database based on the current SQLite database. This can be done by using the functions in script. The first function is used to create a DuckDB dataset for common crawl in generic folder. The second function is used to create a DuckDB dataset for the embeddings in wiki_2014 folder. You can move the script to these folders and run the functions, or you can change the paths in the functions that the path leads to the SQLite databases.
The experiments are run by using SQLite and/or DuckDB.
In, in the function initialize_db() you should comment in lines 46,47,48 and you should comment out line 50. Also in the functions lookup_many(), lookup(), lookup_wik() you should change the txt file names to a proper one, e.g. wall_query_LOOKUP_results_sqlite_FSST_3.txt.
In, in the function init() you should change the line 33 to path_db = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{name}.db") if it is not like this.
In, in the function initialize_db() you should comment out lines 46,47,48 (at least the line **46) and you should comment in line 50. Also in the functions lookup_many(), lookup(), lookup_wik() you should change the txt file names to a proper one, e.g. wall_query_LOOKUP_results_duckdb_FSST_3.txt.
In, in the function init() you should change the line 33 to path_db = os.path.join(save_dir, f"{name}.duckdb") if it is not like this.
In, there are several functions : two preprocessing, two experiment methodologies and one entity-linking. The important one is entity-linking it is the same as API, so you should check about the base_url and the wiki version.
You can run either speed_analysis_1() (for the first methodology described in the paper) or speed_analysis_2() (for the other methodology). The name of the txt files must be the same with
After you run the experiments, you will see the created txt files. You should move them to the Results folder. After that change