This repository contains the source code for the ALS-based fallen tree detection algorithm developed by Heinaro et al. 2021. The algorithm is used via the function findFallenTrees()
that is located in main\findFallenTrees.m
Check the function documentation for a more detailed description of the inputs, outputs and usage of the function.
NOTE: The script startup.m
must be called before running the function, as it adds all the required filepaths to the MATLAB path.
The fallen tree detection algorithm consists of four steps:
- Reading and preprocessing the data
- Filtering the point cloud using classification based on connected component analysis
- Detecting fallen trees using iterative Hough transform -based line detection
- Removing false fallen tree segments using a convolutional neural network
Steps 2 and 4 are optional. By default, the function findFallenTrees()
performs step 2 using a default classifier that can be found in the folder trained_classifiers\
, whereas step 4 is not performed. Steps 2 and 4 can use user-defined classifiers trained using the functions found in the folders connected_component_training\
(step 2) and final_classifier_training\
(step 4).
A short example of the function can be found under example\exampleUsage.m
. It contains all necessary steps, including the call to startup.m
. Paths are relative, execute the script from it's folder.
The repository contains all files to run a basic example or use the code on your own data.
MATLAB is required with the following add-ons (the last 3 are optional):
Name | Version | PN | Certain |
MATLAB | 9.7 | 1 | true |
System Identification Toolbox | 9.11 | 4 | true |
Signal Processing Toolbox | 8.3 | 8 | true |
Mapping Toolbox | 4.9 | 11 | true |
Deep Learning Toolbox | 13.0 | 12 | true |
Image Processing Toolbox | 11.0 | 17 | true |
Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox | 11.6 | 19 | true |
Parallel Computing Toolbox | 7.1 | 80 | false |
MATLAB Parallel Server | 7.1 | 94 | false |
Polyspace Bug Finder | 3.1 | 164 | false |
You can check whether all prerequisites are met by running the following code from the base directory of the repository:
files = dir('**\*.m');
fullfile = strcat( extractfield(files,'folder')', {'\'}, extractfield(files,'name')');
[requiredFiles, requiredProducts] = matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts(fullfile);
will contain a complete list of the above mentioned toolboxes if they are installed (missing add-ons won't be listed by matlab.codetools.requiredFilesAndProducts(fullfile)
and may cause unexpected error when running this code).
Due to it's extensive use of MATLAB Toolboxes, the script is unlikely to run out-of-the-box in Octave environments.