⚡ ⚡ ⚡ This lib. provide multi lang. country picker with search functionality. Fully crossplatform and supported on React-native and expo. Didn't find your country ? Just add the required countries or locales and make a PR. ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
- Custom search input rendering.
- Picker types (modal, input). If you need input with search.
- Docs update/improve for the best user experience.
- TS Declarations.
- Animation improvements.
If you have something interesting ! Just write to us :)
expo: expo install react-native-country-codes-picker
npm: npm i react-native-country-codes-picker
yarn: yarn add react-native-country-codes-picker
import {CountryPicker} from "react-native-country-codes-picker";
export default function App() {
const [show, setShow] = useState(false);
const [countryCode, setCountryCode] = useState('');
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
onPress={() => setShow(true)}
width: '80%',
height: 60,
backgroundColor: 'black',
padding: 10,
<Text style={{
color: 'white',
fontSize: 20
// For showing picker just put show state to show prop
// when picker button press you will get the country object with dial code
pickerButtonOnPress={(item) => {
Below are the props you can pass to the React Component.
Prop | Type | Default | Example | Description |
show | boolean | This prop using for displaying the modal. Put your show state here. | ||
pickerButtonOnPress | function | (country) => setCode(country.dial_code) | Put your function/functions here for getting country data from picker. | |
inputPlaceholder | string | inputPlaceholder={'Your placeholder'} | If you need a custom placeholder for your input you may need this prop. | |
searchMessage | string | searchMessage={'Some search message here'} | If you want to customize search message just use this prop. | |
lang | string | 'en' | lang={'pl'} | If you need to change the lang. just put one of supported lang. Or if you didn't find required lang just add them and make a PR :) |
enableModalAvoiding | boolean | false | enableModalAvoiding={true} | Is modal should avoid keyboard ? On android to work required to use with androidWindowSoftInputMode with value pan, by default android will avoid keyboard by itself |
androidWindowSoftInputMode | string | androidWindowSoftInputMode={'pan'} | Basicaly android avoid keyboard by itself, if you want to use custom avoiding you may use this prop | |
itemTemplate | ReactNode | CountryButton | itemTemplate={YourTemplateComponentsHere} | This parameter gets a React Node element to render it as a template for each item of the list. These properties are sent to the item: key, item, style, name, and onPress |
style | Object | style={{yoursStylesHere}} | If you want to change styles for component you probably need this props. You can check the styling part below. | |
disableBackdrop | boolean | false | disableBackdrop | if you don't wanna show modal backdrop pass this prop. |
onBackdropPress | function | null | onBackdropPress={() => setShow(false)} | If you want to close modal when user taps on the modal background. |
initialState | string | initialState={'+380'} | Sometimes you need to pre-select country for example by user current location so you may use this prop. | |
excludedCountries | array | excludedCountries={['RU', 'BY']} | In this prop you can define list of countries which you want to remove by adding their codes. |
❕ Also you can use all other FlatList and TextInput props if you need. ❕
// Styles for whole modal [View]
modal: {
height: 500,
backgroundColor: 'red'
// Styles for modal backdrop [View]
backdrop: {
// Styles for bottom input line [View]
line: {
// Styles for list of countries [FlatList]
itemsList: {
// Styles for input [TextInput]
textInput: {
height: 80,
borderRadius: 0,
// Styles for country button [TouchableOpacity]
countryButtonStyles: {
height: 80
// Styles for search message [Text]
searchMessageText: {
// Styles for search message container [View]
countryMessageContainer: {
// Flag styles [Text]
flag: {
// Dial code styles [Text]
dialCode: {
// Country name styles [Text]
countryName: {
pickerButtonOnPress={(item) => {
- cz.
- ua.
- ru.
- en.
- pl.
- pt.
- es.
You can add your lang. if you need !!! But after that make a PR please, it will help other people.