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Exported Excel Data

Austin Songer, CISSP edited this page Dec 23, 2024 · 2 revisions

The exported Excel functionality in the POA&M Management App is designed to generate a FedRAMP-compliant Excel file containing detailed records of POA&M items, Configuration Findings, and associated compliance data. It uses predefined templates and maps data directly from the app's database to specific fields in the Excel sheets.

Key Components of Excel Export

  1. Excel Template:
    • The app uses a preformatted FedRAMP-compliant Excel template (FedRAMP-POAM-Template.xlsx).
    • This template includes three primary sheets:
      • Open POA&M Items: Contains active POA&M items.
      • Closed POA&M Items: Contains resolved POA&M items.
      • Configuration Findings: Contains findings from configuration scans (e.g., CIS scans).
  2. Database Integration:
    • The app queries the database (POAM, ConfigurationFinding, etc.) to fetch the required data.
    • Data is mapped to the appropriate fields in the Excel template based on predefined mappings.
  3. Dynamic Data Population:
    • The app dynamically populates rows and columns in the Excel template with fetched data, ensuring that all necessary fields are accurately filled.
  4. Excel Formatting:
    • The app preserves the template’s formatting, including headers, cell styles, and column widths.
  5. File Saving:
    • The populated Excel file is saved as a new file (e.g., Exported_FedRAMP_POAM.xlsx) to avoid overwriting the template.
    • The file is then sent to the user for download.

How Export Works

  1. User Request:

    • The user triggers an export action from the app (e.g., clicking "Export POA&M" or "Export Configuration Findings").
  2. Data Retrieval:

    • The app queries the database for:
      • Active POA&M Items: For the "Open POA&M Items" sheet.
      • Resolved POA&M Items: For the "Closed POA&M Items" sheet.
      • Configuration Findings: For the "Configuration Findings" sheet.
  3. Excel Manipulation:

    • The app uses the openpyxl library to load the Excel template and manipulate its contents.
  4. Field Mapping:

    • Each column in the template is mapped to a specific field in the database.

    • Example mappings for

      Open POA&M Items:

      • Column A (POAM ID) ->
      • Column B (Controls) -> POAM.controls
      • Column C (Weakness Name) -> POAM.weakness_name
      • And so on.
  5. Saving and Sending:

    • The updated Excel file is saved.
    • It is then provided to the user as a downloadable file using Flask's send_file().

Detailed Example: Exporting POA&M Data

Database Models:

class POAM(db.Model):
 id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
 controls = db.Column(db.String(255))
 weakness_name = db.Column(db.String(255))
 weakness_description = db.Column(db.Text)
 detector_source = db.Column(db.String(50))
 detection_date = db.Column(db.DateTime)
 # Other fields...

Template Field Mappings:

Excel Column Database Field Sheet
A (POAM ID) Open POA&M Items
B (Controls) POAM.controls Open POA&M Items
C (Weakness Name) POAM.weakness_name Open POA&M Items
... ... ...
A (POAM ID) Closed POA&M Items
A (POAM ID) Configuration Findings

Export Logic:

from openpyxl import load_workbook
from datetime import datetime
from flask import send_file

TEMPLATE_PATH = "FedRAMP-POAM-Template.xlsx"

def export_poam_with_template():
 # Load the Excel template
 workbook = load_workbook(TEMPLATE_PATH)

 # Fetch data from the database
 open_items = POAM.query.filter_by(status="Active").all()
 closed_items = POAM.query.filter_by(status="Resolved").all()
 configuration_findings = ConfigurationFinding.query.all()

 # Populate Open POA&M Items
 open_sheet = workbook["Open POA&M Items"]
 open_row = 6
 for item in open_items:
     open_sheet[f"A{open_row}"] =
     open_sheet[f"B{open_row}"] = item.controls
     open_sheet[f"C{open_row}"] = item.weakness_name
     # Add other fields...
     open_row += 1

 # Populate Closed POA&M Items
 closed_sheet = workbook["Closed POA&M Items"]
 closed_row = 6
 for item in closed_items:
     closed_sheet[f"A{closed_row}"] =
     closed_sheet[f"B{closed_row}"] = item.controls
     closed_sheet[f"C{closed_row}"] = item.weakness_name
     # Add other fields...
     closed_row += 1

 # Populate Configuration Findings
 config_sheet = workbook["Configuration Findings"]
 config_row = 6
 for finding in configuration_findings:
     config_sheet[f"A{config_row}"] =
     config_sheet[f"B{config_row}"] = finding.controls
     config_sheet[f"C{config_row}"] = finding.weakness_name
     # Add other fields...
     config_row += 1

 # Save the updated workbook
 output_path = "Exported_FedRAMP_POAM.xlsx"

 return output_path

@app.route('/export-poam', methods=['GET'])
def export_poam():
 file_path = export_poam_with_template()
 return send_file(file_path, as_attachment=True)

Key Features of Export

  1. Template-Driven:
    • The app uses a fixed template, ensuring compliance with standards like FedRAMP.
  2. Dynamic Data Mapping:
    • Data from the database is dynamically written to the correct rows and columns in the Excel sheet.
  3. Multiple Sheets:
    • Separate sheets for different types of data (e.g., Open Items, Closed Items, Configuration Findings).
  4. Error Handling:
    • Fields with None values are handled gracefully to prevent errors during Excel generation.

Example Output

After exporting, the user downloads an Excel file with the following structure:

Open POA&M Items Sheet:

POAM ID Controls Weakness Name Weakness Description Detector Source ...
1 AC-2 SQL Injection Vulnerability in DB AWS Inspector ...
2 SC-12 Misconfiguration Weak password policy Tenable ...

Closed POA&M Items Sheet:

POAM ID Controls Weakness Name Weakness Description Detector Source ...
3 CM-2 Unpatched OS Windows Server 2019 AWS Inspector ...

Configuration Findings Sheet:

POAM ID Controls Weakness Name Weakness Description Detector Source ...
4 AC-3 Weak Encryption Outdated TLS Version Tenable ...