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A live version of the current master branch is deployed to But curently is limited by aws free tier package, only the endoint API still working (for now).




All that you need is Golang. Once you run the application, it will expose a target port on the host.

20:5:13 app         | Globes 0.4 started at


Edit config.json to configure HTTP server settings. Add .env file to configure mongodb data.

ChatRoom API

Send HTTP requests to /chats:

  • GET /chats/<room_id>: retrieve a chat room by ID or title
  • POST /chats: create a new chat room
  • PUT /chats/<room_id>: update existing chat room by ID or title
  • DEL /chats/<room_id>: delete a chat room

E.g. A basic chat room POST request could look as follows:

   "title":"My chat room",
   "description":"There are many like it, but this one is mine",

If successful, the server will respond with HTTP code 201 and the newly created chat room resource:

    "title": "My chat room",
    "description": "There are many like it, but this one is mine",
    "visibility": "public",
    "createdAt": "2020-12-03T21:23:54.4213184-08:00",
    "updatedAt": "2020-12-03T21:23:54.4213184-08:00",
    "id": 2,
    "users": []

If unsuccessful, the server will return an error in its response body, e.g. if a room with the same title already exists HTTP code 400 will be sent along with the following body content:

    "status": false,
    "error": {
        "code": 102,
        "error": "Room error: Duplicate room",
        "field": "title"

The required fields to create a public chat room are "title" and "visibility". "Private" and "hidden" chat rooms also require a password.


Authorization is implemented using JSON Web Tokens in an attempt to achieve statelessness and scalability. In order to authorize access or modification of a password-protected chat room, users will need to pass in a token in the Authorization HTTP header using the Bearer scheme.

The token can be requested by sending a JSON body containing the password to the /chats/<room_id>/token endpoint. For example:


If successful, the server will respond with the token in the response body.

    "status": true,
    "name": "david",
    "room_id": 2,
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImRhdmlkIiwicm9vbV9pZCI6MiwiZXhwIjoxNjA3NTg1MjQ5fQ.b6XnNqrFnFmuUMhTBKfyR3PAyCQkxbUaPupBXgknl8w"

Otherwise an error will be returned if the secret is missing, does not match the password hash, or is invalid.

    "status": false,
    "error": {
        "code": 304,
        "error": "Unauthorized operation",
        "field": "secret"

For added convenience, it is also possible to request a new token before the current one expires by sending an authorized request to /chats/<room_id>/token/renew.


Chatting is implemented using WebSockets through the chats/<room_id>/ws endpoint. The steps are:

  1. Send a HTTP POST to /chats/<room_id>/token to obtain authorization (only required for private and hidden rooms)
  2. Open WebSocket to /chats/<room_id>/ws with the auth token set in the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header
  3. Broadcast messages in the following format:
        "event_type": "join/leave/send",
        "name": "my-username",
        "color": "color of chat message",
        "msg": "message to send"

It is recommended to send a join event broadcast when joining chat rooms so everyone else is notified. The server will send a "leave" event upon disconnect

  1. Send a HTTP GET to /chats/<room_id>/token/renew to renew the authorization token before expiration.