The HTML renderer for Clay components that use Handlebars templates.
$ npm install --save amphora-html
HTML rendering was controlled entirely by Amphora in v2.x, which meant that Amphora was responsible for a lot of heavy lifting. Furthermore, rendering was handled by a module called Multiplex Templates which did some 🔮 dark magic ✨ to synchronously render component templates. This required some affordances from Amphora which added to the weight of the middleware. By separating renderers out into separate modules which can be plugged into Amphora >v2.x we can create renderers for specific requirements (XML, Amp, etc.) and the rendering process can be moved to separate machines to create more maintainable systems.
First, ensure that you have a compatible version of Amphora installed (v3.x or greater) and require amphora-html
at the from wherever you are running Amphora.
const amphoraHtml = require('amphora-html');
Second, register a rootPath
with the renderer. This will allow the renderer to reference your components directory and static assets directory properly. Usually this is the root of your project, but that may not be the case for your implementation.
// Register a root path for Amphora HTML
If your templates require any custom Handlebars Helpers you can register them with the renderer's Handlebars instance. Simply pass in an object whose keys are the names of your helpers and whose values are the helper themselves. Like so:
// My helpers
const helpers = {
// set up handlebars helpers that rely on internal services
'nameOfHelper': () => {
// helper that does something you need.
return 'foobar';
// Register helpers
Amphora HTML plugins let you read and modify the data used in the rendering process just before the data is sent to Handlebars to be templated. An Amphora HTML plugin is an object with a render
function that returns a modified data
module.exports.render = (ref, data, locals) => {
// you have the option to mutate `data` here
// do **not** attempt to mutate `locals`
// return `data` or a promise for `data`
return data;
You can add Amphora HTML plugins like this:
One use case for Amphora HTMK plugins is to skip rendering of certain components depending on query parameters, which are available in locals.query
. Amphora HTML plugins do not run when rendering for edit mode.
Now that you have registered any helpers and plugins and have provided a root path which Amphora HTML can work from, you can register your renderer with Amphora. Registering consists of providing a renderers
object whose keys are the extension of an HTTP request and whose values are the renderer. You can also specify a default
property whose value is the extension that Amphora should default to when rendering. This is handy for rendering routes who don't end in extensions, such as
return amphora({
app: app,
renderers: {
html: amphoraHtml,
default: 'html'
providers: ['apikey', amphoraProvider],
sessionStore: redisStore,
plugins: [
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