This project aims to recreate the R-Type game with a multiplayer mode in order to play up to 4 players. For this, we had to implement a multi-threaded server using Boost::asio and Boost::Thread. For the graphical part, we used the SFML. Our project is divided into two parts: The Server and the Client both running at the same time.
Before launch the compilation, you will need to have on your computer :
Cmake 3.22.1
make 4.3
C++ Compiler 11.3.0
Conan 1.52.0
You can use the or use the following commands:
mkdir -p build; cd build; conan install .. --build=missing -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 -c tools.system.package_manager:mode=install -c tools.system.package_manager:sudo=True; cmake ..; make
cd bin && cp -r r-type_client ../../ && cp -r r-type_server ../../
You can use the install.bat or use the following commands:
mkdir build
cd build && conan install .. --build=missing -c tools.system.package_manager:mode=install -c tools.system.package_manager:sudo=True && cmake .. && cmake --build . && cd bin && copy .\r-type_client.exe ..\..\ && copy .\r-type_server.exe ..\..\
In a Terminal
In Another Terminal
./r-type_client [NAME]
We have a Doxygen Documentation. This is how to use it :
If you want to regenerate the doxygen do this :
apt-get install doxygen graphviz
doxygen dconfig
on your terminal -
Go on the ./docs/html/ directory.
Copy the path of the index.html
Otherwise just do this:
- Go on the ./docs/html/ directory.
- Copy the path of the index.html
- Paste this path on internet and that's it !
- Crosse-platform (Linux AND Windows)
- Graphical Library: SFML Library
- Build: CMake
- Package Manager: Conan
If you want to know a little bit more about what were our contraints you can read our
This is how our Project Architecture is:
Do not hesitate to check the doxygen and to play to our game. You can send us some feedback to our respective e-mail:
- Mathias Blanchard
- Ismael Brossaud
- Simon Tessier
- Enzo Bonato