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Ver 2.0.0 "The GPU Update" **MAJOR RELEASE** • Fixed cut(begin , end , orientation). • `swap` second argument is now passed by reference. • `inv` is now `const`. • Added _device attribute, EXE enum and setDevice member function that allows the users to speficify on what device (CPU or GPU) the computation involving this matrix should be done. • Added criterium argument to `max()` and `min()`, enabling the user to specify how the max and min should be found. Default (no arguments) returns `*std::max_element` and `*std::min_element` respectively. • Added `operator-()`, enabling the use of -x (where x is a ste::Matrix) • Added `operator=(const std::vector<T> &data)`, allowing to change the contents of the matrix providing that the argument contains as many elements as the matrix. • Added begin() and end(), two member functions that return iterators to the matrix data begin and end respectively. • [WIP] Added `self_transpose()`, a member function that transposes the current matrix in place. [WIP] • [WIP] Added `transpose_in_place()`, a member function used as alias for 'self_transpose()'. [WIP] • Added in-code documentation that was missing for some functions. • Added `operator<<(std::ostream &outstream , const EXE &a)`, instantiation of `operator<<` for ste::EXE. • Added `operator&&(const EXE &a , const EXE &b)`, instantiation of `operator&&` for ste::EXE. • Added `operator||(const EXE &a , const EXE &b)`, instantiation of `operator||` for ste::EXE. • Added `operator|(const EXE &a , const EXE &b)`, instantiation of `operator|` for ste::EXE. • Added `operator&(const EXE &a , const EXE &b)`, instantiation of `operator&` for ste::EXE. • Updated `print()` and `print_size()`. It is now possible to specify any std::ostream for printing the matrix or its size. • `print()` and `print_size()` now return the std::ostream specified in argument. • Updated `deleteAll()`. A `static_assert` now checks that `T` is dynamically allocated. • `operator^` and `operator^=` now throw an exception if the matrix is not square. • `const` version of `at` now returns `const T&` instead of `T`. • `columns`, `rows` and `lines` now return `const size_t&` instead of `uint64_t`. • `clear` now returns a reference to the matrix. • `deleteAll` now returns a reference to the matrix. • `invert()` is no longer `const`, and now changes the value of the matrix to the one of its inverse. • Removed `inverse()`. • Modified code formatting. • Removed `virtual` qualifer from the following member functions : ```c++ transpose() cofactor(...) cofactormatrix() comatrix() hadamard(...) max(...) min(...) toVector1D() operator=(...) operator-=(...) operator+=(...) operator-(...) operator+(...) ``` • Added `virtual` qualifier to `operator!()` • `static invert(...)` `static hadamard(...)` , `static element_wise(...)` , `static for_each(...)`, and`static transform` are no longer member functions. Call is now through `ste::for_each` and `ste::transform`. • `for_each` and `transform` are now template functions. Casting a lambda to a std::function is no longer required. • `hadamard` and its alisas `element_wise` are now member functions of the `ste` namespace . The ste::Matrix versions still exist • `invert` is now a member functions of the `ste` namespace. • Improved `replace(...)`. • Improved `det()`. • Improved `operator!`. • Improved `operator*=(const Matrix&)` when GPU use is enabled. • Improved `rowAt(...)`. • Replaced `uint64_t` by `size_t` in the entire file for clarity. • Other minor changes that do not affect the class usage. • Updated README. • Added documentation. • Added this file.
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