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Little Lemon API


Fully functional RESTful API for the Little Lemon restaurant. Client application developers can use the APIs to develop web and mobile applications. Authentication, authorization, ordering, searching, pagination and throttling have been implemented. People with different roles can browse, add and edit menu items, place orders, browse orders, assign delivery crew to orders, and deliver orders. The restaurant app is a simple frontend implemented using Django templates.

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd littlelemon
  2. Install dependencies with Pipenv

    pipenv install
  3. Activate the Virtual Environment

    pipenv shell
  4. Perform database Migrations

    python migrate
  5. Run the Development Server

    python runserver
  6. Access the Application

    Open your browser and navigate to


User Groups

  1. Manager - managers are added to this group
  2. Delivery crew - delivery crew are added to this group
    Registered users who are not members of either group are considered customers.

Supported Operations

  • The admin can assign users to the manager group
  • An admin with an admin token can access the manager group
  • The admin can add menu items
  • The admin can add categories
  • Managers can log in
  • Managers can update the item of the day
  • Managers can assign users to the delivery crew
  • Managers can assign orders to the delivery crew
  • The delivery crew can access orders assigned to them
  • The delivery crew can update an order as delivered
  • Customers can register
  • Customers can log in using their username and password and get access tokens
  • Customers can browse all categories
  • Customers can browse all the menu items at once
  • Customers can browse menu items by category
  • Customers can paginate menu items
  • Customers can sort menu items by price
  • Customers can add menu items to the cart
  • Customers can access previously added items in the cart
  • Customers can place orders
  • Customers can browse their own orders


The /api/menu-items and /api/orders endpoints support ordering by the following fields:

Menu Items ordering fields

  • title: order alphabetically by the name of the menu item
  • price: order numerically by the price of the menu item

Orders ordering fields

  • date: order by date the order was made on
  • total: order by the total price of the order

To specify the order in which the responses should be presented, one or more of these fields can be included in the ordering query parameter.
To sort in ascending order, include the desired fields directly. To sort in descending order, prepend the field with -.
For instance, to order menu items by category in ascending order and then by price in descending order, the following query can be used:



The /api/menu-items and /api/orders endpoints support searching in the following fields:

Menu Items Search Fields

  • title: search by the name of the menu item
  • category__title: search by the name of the category ('main', 'appetizer', 'dessert') to which the menu item belongs

Orders Search Fields

  • user__username: search by the username of the user who placed the order
  • delivery_crew__username: search by the username of the delivery crew responsible for the order

To perform a search, use the search query parameter in the API request. For example, to find menu items with the word "Pasta" in their title, use:



The /api/menu-items and /api/orders endpoints also support pagination. Users can specify the number of items that should be included per page by setting the page_size query parameter, while page is used to specify which page to return. For example, to receive page number 2 at 5 menu items per page, the following query can be used:



A limit has been set on the number of requests that can be made to the API in a given time span.

API Endpoints

User Registration and Token Generation endpoints

Endpoint Role Method Purpose
/auth/users/ No role required POST Creates a new user with username, email and password
/auth/users/me/ Anyone with a valid user token GET Displays only the current user
/auth/token/login/ Anyone with a valid username and password POST Generates access tokens that can be used in other API calls in this project

Menu Item endpoints

Endpoint Role Method Purpose
/api/menu-items Customer, Delivery crew GET Lists all menu items and returns 200 - OK
/api/menu-items Customer, Delivery crew POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE Denies access and returns 403 - Forbidden
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} Customer, Delivery crew GET Lists a single menu item
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} Customer, Delivery crew POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE Returns 403 - Forbidden
/api/menu-items Manager GET Lists all menu items
/api/menu-items Manager POST Creates a new menu item and returns 201 - Created
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} Manager GET Lists a single menu item
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} Manager PUT, PATCH Updates single menu item
/api/menu-items/{menuItem} Manager DELETE Deletes menu item

User group management endpoints

Endpoint Role Method Purpose
/api/groups/manager/users Manager GET Returns all managers
/api/groups/manager/users Manager POST Assigns the user in the payload to the Manager group and returns 201 - Created
/api/groups/manager/users/{userId} Manager DELETE Removes this user from the manager group and returns 200 - Ok upon success or 404 - Not found if the user does not belong to the Manager group
/api/groups/delivery-crew/users Manager GET Returns all delivery crew
/api/groups/delivery-crew/users Manager POST Assigns the user in the payload to the Delivery crew group and returns 201 - Created
/api/groups/delivery-crew/users/{userId} Manager DELETE Removes this user from the Delivery crew group and returns 200 - Ok success or 404 - Not found if the user does not belong to the Delivery crew group

Cart management endpoints

Endpoint Role Method Purpose
/api/cart/menu-items Customer GET Returns current user's cart items
/api/cart/menu-items Customer POST Adds the menu item to the cart. Sets the authenticated user as the user id for these cart items
/api/cart/menu-items Customer DELETE Deletes all menu items in the user's cart

Order management endpoints

Endpoint Role Method Purpose
/api/orders Customer GET Returns all order items created by the current user
/api/orders Customer POST Creates a new order item for the current user. Gets current cart items from the cart endpoints and adds those items to the order items table. Then deletes all items from the cart for this user.
/api/orders/{orderId} Customer GET Returns all items for this order id. If the order with this order id doesn't belong to the current user, returns 403 - Forbidden
/api/orders Manager GET Returns all orders belonging to any customer
/api/orders/{orderId} Customer PUT, PATCH Updates the order. A manager can use this endpoint to set a delivery crew to this order, and also update the order status to 0 or 1. If a delivery crew member is assigned to this order and the status = 0, it means the order has been dispatched for delivery but has not yet been delivered. If a delivery crew member is assigned to this order and the status = 1, it means the order has been delivered.
/api/orders/{orderId} Manager DELETE Deletes this order
/api/orders Delivery crew GET Returns all orders with assigned to this delivery crew member
/api/orders/{orderId} Delivery crew PATCH A delivery crew can use this endpoint to update the order status to 0 or 1. The delivery crew is not able to update anything else in this order.

UI Endpoints

Endpoint Purpose
/ homepage
/about Information about the Little Lemon restaurant
/menu Displays the menu items currently available
/book/ Allows customers to make a reservation at the restaurant


API project for the Little Lemon restaurant







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