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XML attributes

Federico Navarrete edited this page Jul 1, 2019 · 1 revision
Attribute Description
mt_speechMode if set to true, microphone icon will be displayed instead of search icon
mt_maxSuggestionsCount specifies the max number of search queries stored
mt_navIconEnabled set navigation icon enabled
mt_roundedSearchBarEnabled use capsule shaped searchbar on v21+ and revert to default on lower
mt_dividerColor set the colors of the suggestion and menu dividers
mt_searchBarColor set the main color of the searchbar
mt_menuIconDrawable set drawable of the menu icon
mt_searchIconDrawable set drawable of the search icon when speech mode is false
mt_speechIconDrawable set drawable of the speech icon when speech mode is true
mt_backIconDrawable set drawable of the back arrow icon
mt_clearIconDrawable set drawable of the clear icon
mt_navIconTint set tint color of nav/back animated icon
mt_menuIconTint set tint color of the menu icon
mt_searchIconTint set tint color search/speech icon
mt_backIconTint set tint color of the back arrow icon
mt_clearIconTint set tint color of the clear icon
mt_navIconUseTint should the animated nav icon use tint color
mt_menuIconUseTint should the menu icon use the tint color
mt_searchIconUseTint should the search/speech icon use the tint color
mt_backIconUseTint should the back icon use the tint color
mt_clearIconUseTint should the clear icon use the tint color
mt_hint set the text of the hint when the searchbar is focused and search query is empty
mt_placeholder set the placeholder text when the MaterialSearchBar is not focused
mt_textColor set text color
mt_hintColor set hint color
mt_placeholderColor set placeholder color
mt_textCursorTint set text cursors tint
mt_highlightedTextColor set the text highlight tint color
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