This repository contains the code used to preprocess data from the NDAR database and upload the results/log files to tables in the database.
- abide_upload - Folder with scripts to upload ABIDE data from the Preprocessed Connectomes Project to a miNDAR database instance table.
- - Nipype interface made to work with the ANTs cortical thickness extraction script found here
- - Template subject list builder script which will query the IMAGE03 database table and pull down a range of image03_id's and their corresponding S3 path entries to build a subject list. This subject list can then be used to run for ANTs cortical thickness processing.
- - Instructions on how to use AWS EC2 to launch and interact with a C-PAC AMI.
- - A quality control script that analyzes results in the miNDAR tables and determines if they are complete or need to be modified/deleted.
- credentials_template.csv - A template for how the module expects in order to read in credentials and use them for python interfaces to various AWS services
- - A python module which reads in a csv file (e.g. credentials_template) and uses this information to create variables and objects used in interfacing with AWS via python.
- - Streamlined script to execute the nipype workflow from the interface defined in and then upload the results and log files to the NDAR database. This script is designed to be launched from a cluster of C-PAC AMI's on AWS using the Sun Grid Engine job scheduler. It uses templates generated from data as part of the OASIS project.
The OASIS template data files can be acquired from Mindboggle using this link and this link.
ndar_run.sge - Bash script to use to submit the script in parallel over a cluster of nodes.
ndar_unpack - Bash-executable Python script which will download and extract imaging data from the NDAR database. Originally cloned from here, but slightly modified to add untar-ing functionality.
- - Script which builds a C-PAC-compatible subject list from an NDAR DB instance. This script can optionally download the S3 imaging data for a local C-PAC run. For this script to work, one must have the following in a csv file so that this script can interact with the AWS cloud-hosted database:
- Database username
- Database password
- Database host URL
- Database port number
- Database service id
This information is given from the NDAR website when you launch a miNDAR instance from the miNDAR tab on NDAR's cloud page. To see a template of the csv file format, see the credentials_template.csv file in this repository.
Additionally, the miNDAR database instance must be launched so the user can connect to it (via an internet connection). This is also done on NDAR's cloud page. Note that the network ports of your internet connection must allow communication through the database port number of the miNDAR instance (aka not firewalled).
The rest of the arguments to this function are completely up to the user (see the docstring for more info).
Python depenencies:
- Boto - Python package for interacting with Amazon Web Services.
- cx_Oracle - Python package for interacting with Oracle databases.
- Nibabel - Python package for read/write access to various neuroimaging data formats.
- Nipype - Python package for Neuroimaging data analysis pipelines.
- Numpy - Python package for fast numerical computations.
- Pandas - Python library providing data structures and tools for high-performance data analysis.
- PyYaml - Python package for parsing and emitting Yaml files.
- pydicom - Python package for working with DICOM files.
Software dependencies:
- ANTs - A popular medical image registration and segmentation toolkit.
- FreeSurfer - An open source software suite for processing and analyzing (human) brain MRI images.
- FSL - A comprehensive library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and DTI brain imaging data.
- minc-tools - Package of utilities that work on MINC format images.
- Oracle Instant Client - A set of tools to interact with Oracle databases. Only the basic-lite, sdk, and sql packages need to be installed.
- SQLAlchemy - Python SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper that gives application developers the full power and flexibility of SQL.