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Two‐Phase Maps

Karen edited this page Nov 3, 2023 · 15 revisions

Generates flood maps integrating two-phase simulation data, offering a description of flooding scenarios for enhanced analysis. The next sections will describe in detail the two-phase maps that can be generated by MapCrafter.

Site Characteristics

Ground elevation:

$\qquad$ TOPO.DAT - Grid element, x- and y-coordinates, and their elevations (ft or m).


Maximum Flood Depth

$\qquad$ DEPTH.OUT: Maximum combined channel/floodplain flow depths (ft or m).

Maximum Flood Velocity Vectors

$\qquad$ VELFP.OUT: Maximum floodplain flow velocity (ft/s or m/s).

$\qquad$ VELDIREC.OUT: Flow maximum velocity direction (flow directions 1 - 8).

Maximum Flood Sediment Concentration

$\qquad$ CVFPMAX.OUT: Floodplain fluid maximum sediment concentration by volume (vsed/vtotal).

Maximum Flood Velocity

$\qquad$ VELFP.OUT: Maximum floodplain flow velocity (ft/s or m/s).

Maximum Combined Depth

$\qquad$ DEPTHMAX_2PHASE_COMBINED.OUT: Maximum flow depth of the combined two phase fluid and mudflows depth (added together) (ft or m).

Final Flood Depth

$\qquad$ FINALDEP.OUT: Final floodplain flow depths (ft or m).

Final Flood Velocity Vectors

$\qquad$ FINALVEL.OUT: Flow velocity at the end of the simulation (ft/s or m/s).

$\qquad$ FINALDIR.OUT: Flow final velocity direction at the end of the simulation (flow directions 1 - 8).

Final Flood Velocity

$\qquad$ FINALVEL.OUT: Flow velocity at the end of the simulation (ft/s or m/s).

Final Combined Depth

$\qquad$ FINALDEP_COMBO.OUT: Combined floodplain fluid and mudflow maximum flow depths. Floodplain fluid or mudflow max depth (whichever is greater) (ft or m).


Depth x Velocity

$\qquad$ VEL_X_DEPTH.OUT: Maximum of velocity times depth for each floodplain element (ft^2/s or m^2/s).


Time to 1 ft (0.3 m)

$\qquad$ TIMEONEFT.OUT: The initial time to one foot of depth (hrs).

Time to 2 ft (0.6 m)

$\qquad$ TIMETWOFT.OUT: The initial time to two feet of depth (hrs).

Time to Max

$\qquad$ TIMETOPEAK.OUT: The time of occurrence of the maximum depth (hrs).


Maximum Channel Depth

$\qquad$ DEPCH.OUT: Maximum channel flow depths (ft or m).

Maximum Channel Velocity

$\qquad$ VELOC.OUT: Maximum channel flow velocity (ft/s or m/s).

Final Channel Depth

$\qquad$ DEPCHFINAL.OUT: Final channel flow depths (ft or m).

Final Channel Velocity

$\qquad$ VELCHFINAL.OUT: Final channel flow velocities (ft/s or m/s).


Levee Deficit

$\qquad$ LEVEEDEFIC.OUT: Levee freeboard deficit


  • 0, freeboard > 3 ft
  • 1, 2 ft < freeboard < 3 ft
  • 2, 1 ft < freeboard < 2 ft
  • 3, freeboard < 1 ft
  • 4, levee overtopped


Maximum Mudflow Depth

$\qquad$ DEPFPMAX_MUD.OUT: Floodplain maximum mudflow depth (ft or m).

Maximum Mudflow Velocity

$\qquad$ VELFP_MUD.OUT: Floodplain maximum mudflow velocity in the reported outflow direction (ft/s or m/s).

Maximum Mudflow Sed. Con.

$\qquad$ CVFPMAX_MUD.OUT: Floodplain mudflow maximum sediment concentration by volume (vsed/vtotal).

Maximum Mudflow Velocity Vectors

$\qquad$ VELFP_MUD.OUT: Maximum floodplain mudflow velocity (ft/s or m/s).

$\qquad$ VELDIREC_MUD.OUT: Mudflow maximum velocity direction (flow directions 1 - 8).

Final Mudflow Depth

$\qquad$ FINALDEP_MUD.OUT: Final mudflow depth (ft or m).

Final Mudflow Velocity

$\qquad$ FINALVEL_MUD.OUT: Floodplain final mudflow velocity in the reported outflow direction (ft/s or m/s).

Final Mudflow Sediment Concentration

$\qquad$ FINALCVFP_MUD.OUT: Final floodplain mudflow sediment concentration by volume (vsed/vtotal).

Final Mudflow Velocity Vectors

$\qquad$ FINALVEL_MUD.OUT: Final floodplain mudflow velocity (ft/s or m/s).

$\qquad$ FINALDIR_MUD.OUT: Mudflow final velocity direction (flow directions 1 - 8).


Maximum Deposition

$\qquad$ SEDFP.OUT: Maximum deposition (ft or m)

Maximum Scour

$\qquad$ SEDFP.OUT: Maximum scour (ft or m)

Final Bed Difference

$\qquad$ SEDFP.OUT: Final bed elevation difference (ft or m)


Specific Energy

$\qquad$ SPECENERGY.OUT: Maximum specific energy for a floodplain grid element (ft or m).

Static Pressure

$\qquad$ STATICPRESS.OUT: Spatially variable static force per linear foot for each floodplain element (lbf/ft or N/m).

Impact Force

$\qquad$ IMPACT.OUT: Impact force per linear foot of structure on the floodplain (lbf/ft or N/m).