So, what this is SUPPOSED to be is a resturaunt tip calculator made using C++ and FLTK, but I couldn't get the callbacks to work, and I ran out of time. So, here is a dummy tip calculator to take its place until I get the FLTK one working.
Basically what this calculator does is that it asks you, the user, for your bill, what percent of it you would like to tip, and how many members of your parts you want to split the end result across. After that, it calculates the total and how much each person should pay. The program expects whole numbers.
The purpose behind this is that I wanted to learn a graphical toolkit, and I figured a resturaunt tip calculator would be an easy-enough thing to do, but I failed.
This program was made using Neovim.
This dummy program is written in C++, and uses the standard libraries: iostream, cmath, iomanip, limits, and fstream.
- Replace everything in here with a FLTK version!
- Delete all traces of this dummy file, and pull my embarassing video off of YouTube. I can't believe I have to embarass myself there too.
- Salt the earth. This program works, but it is an embarassment to me and everyone who visits this website. But, I had to post on here for reasons I do not wish to disclose.