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Eli Clemente Gordillo Foster edited this page Feb 23, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the SatanicBot wiki!


Configuration for SatanicBot/LittleHelper is done through environment variables, either through a web service or the .env file

  • IRC_SERVER: The IRC server to connect to.
  • IRC_PORT: The IRC port to connect to.
  • IRC_CHANNELS: A comma separated list of channels to connect to.
  • IRC_DEV_CHANNELS: A comma separated list of channels to connect to when the -d argument is used.
  • IRC_USERNAME: The IRC username to log in as.
  • IRC_PASSWORD: The password for that IRC username.
  • IRC_NICKNAMES: A comma separated list of nicknames, in order of priority.
  • DEFAULT_AUTH_PASS: The default password for the $login command.
  • OWNER: The owner's name.
  • WIKI_URL: The URL to the wiki's API endpoint (api.php).
  • WIKI_USERNAME: The username for the wiki.
  • WIKI_PASSWORD: The password for the wiki.
  • TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY:The consumer key for the Twitter application.
  • TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: The consumer secret for the Twitter application.
  • TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN: The access token for the Twitter application.
  • TWITTER_ACCESS_SECRET: The access secret string for the Twitter application.
  • WUNDERGROUND_API_KEY: The Wunderground API key for the weather commands.
  • GITHUB: A pipe separated list of pairs defined with commas describing the association between channels and GitHub repositories. For example #TheSteamTank,Esteemed-Innovation/Flaxbeards-Steam-Power would make issue-linking messages in #TheSteamTank to link to issues in Flaxbeard's Steam Power's repository.
  • PASTEE_API_KEY: The Pastee API key.
  • IGNORED_USERS: A comma separated list of users to ignore for all commands. Consider setting this to bots like travis-ci.
  • DISABLED_PLUGINS: A comma separated list of plugin names (including Plugins:: and Commands::) to disable.
  • VALID_AUTHNAMES: A comma separated list of authentication names that are valid.
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