Add DSL to configure Fabric API game/client tests
Production run tasks
Uses XVFB to allow running the prod client on GitHub actions (no setup required)
Tracy capture support, generates a tracy profile for the run (bring your own tracy-capture)
Defaults to running with all mods on the productionRuntimeMods
Update to Gradle 8.12
Download mod source artifacts in parallel
Add general purpose download task
Update to latest mapping-io and tiny-remapper
Linenumber remapper improvements
Configure compile task mixin options lazily
Improved decompiler class entry validation
Fix getCompileRuntimeModsFromRemapConfigs not returning mods that have different versions on the compile/runtime classpath.
Fix lazily provided layered mappings
Run library processor for server-only projects for Minecraft versions without bundle metadata
Create backup jars for legacy merged mapped minecraft providers
Fix VSC working directory location for sub projects.
Remove loom bootstrap
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