This is the android version of the BuffBus app. It's used to visualize the bus information from the BuffBusTracker, hosted at Information comes initially from
CU Bus Tracker helps University of Colorado at Boulder students, faculty and affiliates commute by showing next bus times for CU operated buses. Bus routes that are tracked:
- Buff Bus (Williams Village)
- Hop Clockwise and Counterclockwise
- Athens Route
- Late Night Transit Routes
- Discovery Express Route
Next Release:
- Make start page more sharp (change buttons, feedback button, font+colors)
- Make buttons responsive (splash effect?)
- Stampede (RTD integration)
- Set default zoom on location click
- Add DNS record and IP redundency
- Show network information to the user (no connection vs server not responding)
- Add loading indicator?
- Show announcements somehow?
- Show data integrity estimates on bus times?
- Unit tests for each function (In progress)
- Data JSON testing
- Diagrams!
- Change ParsedObjets to use SparseArray over array?
- Guarantee shortest arrival time is placed on top
- Exclude routes with excessive times (> 2 hours)
- Make sure only one stop is defined as closest for RTD
- Differentiate between an inactive route and a stop that doesn't report an approaching bus