This is the FastSPeech 2 model used to finish a thesis. It is based on the implementation of ming024.
In line with the forked GitHub, this FastSpeech 2 model works on the LibriTTS workflow. Instead of multiple speakers, multiple emotions are used to train he model on.
You can install the Python dependencies with
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
After training, run
python3 --text "YOUR_DESIRED_TEXT" --speaker_id SPEAKER_ID --restore_step 100000 --mode single -p config/EmoFS2/preprocess.yaml -m config/EmoFS2/model.yaml -t config/EmoFS2/train.yaml
Different speaker_id's are:
0 -> neutral
1 -> happy
2 -> angry
3 -> sad
4 -> surprise
The generated utterances will be put in output/result/
The used dataset is
- ESD: multiple speakers, two languages, 5 emotional states; each speaker dataset consists of the same 350 short audio clips per emotion.
Only speaker 14 is used.
First, run
python3 config/EmoFS2/preprocess.yaml
After that, run the preprocessing script by
python3 config/EmoFS2/preprocess.yaml
to align the corpus and then run the preprocessing script.
python3 config/EmoFS2/preprocess.yaml
Train your model with
python3 -p config/EmoFS2/preprocess.yaml -m config/EmoFS2/model.yaml -t config/EmoFS2/train.yaml