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1 Quick Start

Step 1: Initialize the repository and compile:

[email protected]:Fisheep9/planner0727.git
cd Real-World-Flight

Step 2: Initialize the controller and communicator:

If this is your FIRST flight, please read the [Parameters Modification(Section 4)](### 4 Modify the Parameters before the First Run) first.


More details are in the Section Init module.

Step 3: Send the trigger to take off.

source ../devel/setup.bash
rostopic pub -1  /px4ctrl/takeoff_land quadrotor_msgs/TakeoffLand "takeoff_land_cmd: 1"

OR you can choose to run the shell file which is more conveniently:


Step 4: Setup your remote controller to:

  • Switch the fifth channel to offboard mode
  • Switch the sixth channel to high-end mode
  • Disable the emergency stop
  • Set the throttle to the mid-position

Step5: Start the planner:


More details are in the Section Ego module.

Step 6: Land and Finish:

Firstly, send the trigger to land:

source ../devel/setup.bash
rostopic pub -1 /px4ctrl/takeoff_land quadrotor_msgs/TakeoffLand "takeoff_land_cmd: 2"

OR more conveniently, you can run the shell:


Then switch to the emergency stop and unplug the battery.

2 Init Module

Firstly, you need to TEST and ensure that the basic packages are running well.

If this is your first flight, please modify the following:

  • Comment out the command in the FOURTH line and test if runs well.
  • Substitute "(your own password)" with your user password, such as "1234" or "abcd".
  • Ensure that the VICON server IP is

The details of are as follows:

source ../devel/setup.bash
echo "your own password" | sudo -S chmod 777 /dev/tty*
# roslaunch mavros px4.launch & sleep 3
rosrun mavros mavcmd long 511 31 10000 0 0 0 0 0;
roslaunch vrpn_client_ros sample.launch server:= & sleep 3
roslaunch odom_converter converter.launch & sleep 3
roslaunch ekf nokov.launch & sleep 3
roslaunch px4ctrl run_ctrl.launch 

Then, if all the programs are running smoothly, uncomment the FOURTH line and rerun the init module.

3 Ego module

source ../devel/setup.bash
roslaunch ego_planner single_run_in_exp.launch 

You can modify the target points in src/planner/plan_manage/launch/single_run_in_exp.launch as following:

<arg name="point_num" value="4" />

<arg name="point0_x" value="5.0" />
<arg name="point0_y" value="0.0" />
<arg name="point0_z" value="0.8" />

<arg name="point1_x" value="2.5" />
<arg name="point1_y" value="0.0" />
<arg name="point1_z" value="0.96" />

<arg name="point2_x" value="2.5" />
<arg name="point2_y" value="0.0" />
<arg name="point2_z" value="1.0" />

<arg name="point3_x" value="2.5" />
<arg name="point3_y" value="0.0" />
<arg name="point3_z" value="1.0" />

4 Modify the Parameters before the First Run

4.1 px4ctrl

The main launch file px4ctrl/launch/run_ctrl.launch is as following:

  <node pkg="px4ctrl" type="px4ctrl_node" name="px4ctrl" output="screen">
    <remap from="~odom" to="/ekf/ekf_odom" />
    <!-- <remap from="~cmd" to="/setpoints_cmd" /> -->
  	<!-- msg type: quadrotor_msgs::PositionCommand -->
    <remap from="~cmd" to="/position_cmd" /> 
    <rosparam command="load" file="$(find px4ctrl)/config/ctrl_param_fpv.yaml" />

Before your first flight, you need to modify the config file in src/px4ctrl/config/ctrl_param_fpv.yaml.

The following parameters are of significant importance:

  • mass: 1.60 # kg
  • takeoff_height: 0.8 # meter (relative height)
  • hover_percentage: 0.25 # % percentage (derived from manual mode)
  • takeoff_land_speed: 0.3 # m/s


The use of the VICON package depends on the pre-built rigid body model in the VICON server. You MUST modify the rigid_body argument to match your specific rigid body name.

    <arg name="capture_num_" value="1" />
    <arg name="rigid_body" value="am_test" />
    <node pkg="odom_converter" type="odom_converter" name="odom_converter" output="screen">
        <param name="capture_num" value="$(arg capture_num_)" />
        <param name="cap_num" value="$(arg capture_num_)" type="int" />
        <remap from="~/pose0" to="/vrpn_client_node/$(arg rigid_body)/pose" />
        <remap from="~/twist0" to="/vrpn_client_node/$(arg rigid_body)/twist" />


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